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Getting the Head Working

This is a package of articles which focus on improving the coaches understanding of the player, the player understanding more about themself, and ideas on how to develop the mind set of each player.

Optimising Potential provides a background on the players needs which must be met if they are to be fully motivated and want to do well.

Goal Setting is a basic programme, but it highlights the planning aspect of the game for both the coach and player.

There are five articles which make up the Mental Development aspects; Performance Breathing, Imagery, Affirmations & Self-Talk, Anchoring (Triggers) and Posture.
I have found these to be really interesting and a lot of fun for those players who have taken the learnings further.

In each case the guts of the learning will depend on the player level and more importantly the enthusiasm of the coach. In some cases, it will be about growing together if the coach has not dealt in these topics previously, but that adds to the interest and fun as you all develop as you go forward.

The enthusiasm of the coach is the most important tool in all of this. At the moment you will be working from home and you will be required to make contact with those players (from one to many) whom you think will be keen to benefit by putting in their own time.

I would suggest you read through the three programmes and plan how you are going to go about the tuition.
The Optimising Potential chapter is ongoing, but you might use some of the ideas to delve a little deeper.
If you already understand your player then you will know his needs and it will be easier to work with him on the other topics.

Firstly, you need to be able to set up one of many Apps that provide face to face communication. Skype, WhatsApp, Zoom – ask your kids!

Good luck. Just get stuck in and give it a go. The harder you work the luckier you get.

April 2020