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Driving Plays from a 5 Man Lineout

5-man lineouts create a variety of attacking options from the lineout itself stretching right across the width of the field.

Depending on your game patterns and philosophies and the position on the field the coach and team can implement a whole host of exciting plays which can lead to the first breakdown point being in behind the defensive line. 

As the immediate attack is most likely structured to create another start point at the tackle zone the continuity plays leading to the final 'strike' then become really important and these need plenty of planning and practicing.

If desirable a forward can be placed at halfback in a 5-man lineout and he can perform a catching, lifting, driving or passing option. If your team is keeping it close this can be a good option. If the ball is going away from the immediate lineout zone it is a good idea to have a halfback making the play.

Of course this may indicate to the opposition what your plan is, but if you carry out the play accurately it will not matter that they know.

DRIVING PLAYS (Use of forwards to initiate the first two breakdown points)

1- Driving-Ripping- Rolling  
Aim: To initiate a short drive with the back three before ripping and rolling to create another drive or attack method.

Best: Anywhere in the attacking half. The closer the better though as close in it can become a strike play.

Explanation: The ball is thrown to the back three / the catcher will provide a driving target for the player coming in from halfback (or from No 1 in the lineout if the halfback is in place) / there will be a short drive to commit the defenders (keep going if they allow it) / the player who has driven on to the ball should then take the ball and in a low position turn and open himself up for the next player (2 in the lineout) to be able to drive on to him / these two players should stay bound and rip away from the immediate tacklers in a circular motion (keep feet wide apart; bound together with arms; stay as low as practical) / the designated player of the two then detaches when he feels there is the freedom for his partner to go forward, and drive him forward / this will open up all sorts of possibilities depending on how the defence have responded / see variations.

Variations: A- (at the tackle):  the ball carrier drives forward and creates a quick ruck which those close forwards clean out / then make a plan how to utilise the forwards not in the ruck OR the ball carrier looks for a short pass to a bursting forward inside or outside OR the plan is for the ball carrier to head wider in to a space so that he can make a pop pass in the tackle to an inside or outside runner. [There will still be much to do after this].

B- If the spinning is too difficult (believe me spinning in a tackle is really hard to stop) then when the second drive commences keep it as a straight forward drive rather than a spin after the rip. The two players initially setting this should stay up as long as possible / two nominated forwards should bind up on each side of the drive and provide some stability / from there make a plan which needs to utilise the remaining forwards on the open side or a couple of swift backs hitting a flat ball on the short side.

Whatever the plan is following the initial contact zone the ball needs to come back quickly and go forward quickly to maintain the pressure. Then make sure for the next phase if it is to travel wider then the players know their roles and there are sufficient of them in place to carry out the scoring phase.

2- Driving   
Aim: To immediately put the opposition on the back foot by driving forward and creating pressure behind their lineout.  (It is quite often unexpected at a 5-man lineout that the opposition will drive, especially if the halfback is in his normal position.)

Best: between the 22's when they least expect it.

Explanation: create a situation to throw to the middle / the lifters will act as the strong drivers securing the front of the drive / the front and back players will come in as the momentum creators / experiment with the driving players – start with the front player driving on to the ball with the back player driving on to the back of the front player / if this doesn't provide enough stability and go forward then  the front man and the back man can drive in on each side of the catcher and the hooker can come in the back to control the ball and the drive / the aim is to go as far forward as possible before the next phase.

Variations: A- this can be a good situation for the halfback to put a 'bomb' up for the team to place the opposing winger under pressure. Practice the chase.

B- quick ball from the drive can be popped to the two forwards not in the initial play who are joined by the closest forward on a bursting run / these players can set another quick ruck OR use a pop pass in the tackle / aim for a space to run in to rather than a body / then a strike play needs to be organised.

C- ensure the extra forwards are not away out in midfield so that they can join the drive and create a maul / keep the drive going for as long as possible / then the back two forwards come away working together to take out the close defenders / try the circling play! / the pack must then react quickly to assist these two.