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Under 8/10 – Contact and Picking Up the Ball

This is an important time in each player’s development as if they are coached to use correct and safe technique in contact then they will be not only successful but will build the necessary confidence to partake fully in the game.
Some players will be ready for contact a lot sooner than others so it is important that any contact situations are planned according to the size of players, matching the maturity of players and what degree of pace and intensity is best suited.
It is a good idea to use bags and shields in the early development of contact before moving in to player on player situations. When doing this the coach must make sure that correct technique is being applied.
Of course, contact is half the fun of playing having moved out of the Rippa-Rugby stage but coaches should ensure that they are encouraging the players to run and pass and should teach evasive skills as the first option of attack.

Pre-Contact (carrying the ball in to contact)

  • Carry the ball forward in two hands.
  • Focus (look) at the contact zone. (one or other of the defenders shoulders)
  • About a metre away from the tackler get in to a strong and balanced position: crouch by bending at the knees; start taking small steps and moving in to a position to the side of the tackler; stay low but keep the eyes up; move the ball under the arm away from the tackler; prepare to take a strong step forward and make contact with the leading shoulder.

Coaching phrases to use: chin off chest-crouch and balance-step and hit with shoulder-body before ball-spine in line (hitting and driving straight down the field)


  • The player should have moved to a shoulder of the tackler and drive in with their leading shoulder (their inside shoulder against the tacklers outside shoulder. Left on left/right on right)
  • The hard parts of the body are facing forward. Shoulder; elbow; hip; knee.
  • The attacker stays low and drives their legs forward staying up as long as possible.

Coaching phrase: Fast-Balance-Explode (fast going forward carrying the ball / balance is the crouch and short steps and getting in to a good position / explode is the hit with the shoulder and drive with the legs)


  • There are several options at contact. In the early stages, it is a good idea to teach the correct falling technique and body position on the ground as for a ruck.
  • Going to ground twist and fall on the rounded shoulder/upper back.
  • Position the body between the ball and the opposition.
  • Place the ball back towards your team. (Alternatively: if there are no other defenders around hold the ball and pop a pass to a supporting team member)

1- Body Position

Everyone takes up the correct body position for contact.
Crouched – straight back – eyes up – one foot leading – same shoulder forward – elbow out the front – ball tucked under back arm but still in two hands.
Coach calls ‘forward / backwards/left/right’ and players must shuffle their feet getting used to being in this position and their feet keeping them in balance using short steps. Make sure they alternate the front foot.
Call this out at any time during training and all the players must get in to this position.

2- Hit the Shield
This is to teach and monitor the pre-contact, contact and post-contact skills.
Have as many players on shields as possible.
Attackers line up 3metres away facing a shield.
They will then go through the ‘fast-balance-explode’ routine.
Run quickly with the ball in two hands for 2 metres – get in to a crouch, take small steps, shift slightly to the side of the shield, hit on the shield with the shoulder having stepped in close with the leading foot, have the ball under the back arm but still in two hands, stay up and drive forward, go to ground rolling on to a rounded shoulder/back, place the ball back.
Use the other shoulder next time.
Build up the intensity on the  shield as the players improve.
Introduce the support player – they should be at least 2 metres back at the contact point so that they can clean out or take a pop pass. They need time to get in to balance - make a decision -  explode in to the ruck or explode on to the pass.
The technique in to the ruck is identical to the ball carrier except they are driving in and using their arms to bind on a player.

3- Fitness Fun
Using the same concept as above.
Have 3 players on shields in an 8 x 8 grid. As many grids as possible.
Everyone has one minute to hit, drive, go to ground and get up to go on to another shield as many times as possible.
Make sure they don’t lose their shape. Have the shields held just above the knees.
Get those watching to count the ‘hits’.

4- The Real Thing
When the players are confident introduce the tackler without the shield.
Start with very small grids about 4m long and 2m wide so that the actual contact takes place.
The tackler by this stage should have been through a few weeks of tackling drills.
Ideally the tackler can be asked to tackle above the hip and below the chest so that the ball carrying skill can be practiced a lot easier.
Make sure each step in learning the skill is continually repeated.
When the group are ready to move on, a support player on attack can be introduced.
The aim of the attacker is to get to the side of the tackler and drive straight, stay up as long as possible, and end in the space behind the tackler.

5- The King of Contact
Give a mark to each attacker in a 1 v 1 situation (make the grid narrow) who has the best technique and finishes up in the correct position in behind the tackler.
Ask the players how improvements could be made.
Picking Up the Ball
Picking up the ball on the ground requires a very similar skill base as in any contact situation.
The objective is to safely secure the ball and assess and initiate the best available option.

Key Factors

  1. Move towards the ball
  2. Focus your eyes on the ball.
  3. Adopt the strong body position when close to the ball (as approaching contact)
  4. Arrive at the ball in a crouched position, hard parts facing forward, and the leading foot past the ball.
  5. This gives a strong a stable base ready to take contact.
  6. Secure the ball with both hands and assess the options.
  7. Options include: secure the ball and drive forward; secure the ball and pass it to a player in a better position; secure the ball and run forward in to space.

1-Pick and Pass

Balls are placed randomly in a grid.
The player in action runs to any ball, picks it up and passes to the coach or a nominated person.
The coach will discuss and correct technique on the move.
Each player has 6 turns picking up 3 times on each leading foot.

In a similar scenario the player will pick the ball up and stay strong and drive forward as he is hit by a player with a shield.
Depending on the skill level will depend on the intensity of the player with the shield.

3-Under Pressure
In threes, the defender with a hit shield.
A player rolls the ball out in an 8 x 8 m grid.
The retriever takes off to pick the ball up whilst the player with the shield counts quickly to ‘5’ and takes off with the intention of driving the player picking the ball on to the ground or to hit the ball loose.
The player picking up the ball must stay on their feet and be in a position to drive or pass or run.
If the player on the ball is under pressure they might want to dive on the ground with the ball between them and their own team. As soon as they dive and secure the ball in two hands they should fight to get to their feet.
Rotate in the threes.