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Building Positivity [2]

No matter what level you are coaching at the players will respond to plenty of positive input from the coach and fellow players.

There are many simple ideas that can have a big positive outcome. Now is the time to action some of these fun ideas.

As soon as the players have spent some time together the coach can utilise their squad to create some team positivity.
Write all the players names down the left hand column on a sheet of paper.
Leave the rest of the space empty so that it can be written on.


Continue with the squad names down the left hand margin.

Each player receives a sheet with the names already listed. The player must then write one positive comment about each player so that they fill in each column apart from their own name.


When the players complete their sheets they are handed back to the coach/manager.
This person will cut out each of the individual comments.
If there is a squad of 22 the coach/manager will take the 21 positive comments and put them in an envelope with the players name listed on the outside.
They will then be handed back to the player who keeps them in his rugby bag so that he can look at them from time to time.
Hopefully there will be a few that really hit the button and this player will use these in his imagery when performing his mental prep.

Insist that the comments are positive and sensible. I have observed many players continually using these during a whole season.

If we imagine Taane is a first-five he might receive such comments as:
Great hands. I always feel confident he will clear our 22 when we are on D
Small & tough. Never misses a tackle.
Love it when he has his man on with that wicked side-step.

21 similar comments help Taane feel pretty good about himself.

Reading the comments will also provide the coach with a greater understanding of his players.

Good luck. Enjoy.