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Midfield Attack at the Scrum

Midfield attack at scrum time can create a platform for the next attack and/or present good scoring opportunities if executed accurately.

Players need to understand 'where' (field position) and 'when' to choose different options, what happens at the initial tackle point and how to create continuity.

The plays that you choose will be determined by the ability and skills of the particular individuals you have in various positions. The art is in utilising the particular skill of the player. Examples: size and strength / speed and agility / change of pace / vision and decision making (reading the defence).

The best idea is to start with one basic pattern that has two or three options that can be used.

Back play can be difficult to coach. In order to be successful backlines have to put defence under pressure. To do this, players have to put themselves under pressure by performing near to the defenders.

Players can only acquire the timing and confidence necessary for this by practicing under pressure similar to that they will face in games.

The building blocks for back play are handling, running and decision making and these skills should be practiced as often as possible.

PLAYS (Make up your own names).

“Split” - scrum on the left hand side of the field.  (preferably).
*Aim: for 10 to take it close to the tackle line so that 13 can hit a half gap and get in behind the tackler.
*Scrum Call: 'Colt-2'.  Tighthead up – channel 2 (if going left to right).
*Best: In between the attacking 22 and halfway to set up another phase.
*Explanation: 10 carries the ball forward / 12 & 13 run a split formation / 10 dummies a long pass to 12 and pops a short ball to 13.
*Variations: 10 pass behind 13 to the blindside winger / 10 pass in front of 13 and the winger to 12 on the drift. He will have 15 on his shoulder.

“Drift” - preferably running left to right.
*Aim: to create confusion for the defensive 12 & 13 to put a player in behind the tackle line.
*Scrum Call: 'Cam – 2' (If going left to right).
*Best: Hard on attack so that there is little time for the cover to get in on the act.
*Explanation: 10 & 12 run a drift line / 10 starts straight and then accelerates towards the second defender / 12 does similar and accelerates towards the third defender / 13 comes on a switch line inside 10 to hold the inside defender / 10 passes to 15 who has come in at pace between 10 & 12.
*Variations:   10 switch with 13 to set a tackle zone / 10 pass behind 15 to 12 who will have the two wingers in support.

“Switch” - scrum preferably on left side or midfield.
*Aim: to create confusion particularly for the second and third defenders so that a gap can be found between them and get in behind them.
*Scrum Call: 'Cat - 2'.
*Best:  anywhere in the attacking half. Need to plan for quick ball at the tackle.
*Explanation: 9 passes to 12 angling back in towards the inside defenders / 10 loops straight away and receives the pass from 12 / 10 runs hard and straightens as soon as he receives the ball / 10 passes to the blindside wing close to the tackle line / 13 is calling for the pass and drifting outwards.
*Variations: 10 passes behind the wing to 13 who has 15 and the openside wing in support / 10 passes directly to 15 outside 13 / 12 dummies to 10 and links with a loose forward.