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Rugby-related Fitness Activities

BACKLINE PATTERNS: A- Motion Plays - Ian Snook

Backline attack activities provide an effective way to incorporate fitness with specific game related patterns. At the early stages they are about fun and hard work, but an adventurous coach could include similar concepts in his team attack patterns.

The key aspects are having to work hard to get in to the correct position/s; running fast on to the ball; support play; scanning before receiving the ball so that the player joins the attack in the best possible position; the ball carrier running lines that will commit a defender; and scanning with the ball so that the ball carrier passes to the player in the best position.

The aim of the play is to gain a numerical advantage: 2 v 1, 3 v 2, 4 v 3 and to utilize the space inside and outside a defender.

To improve fitness the attack should start in the middle of the pitch (or close to it) at one end of the field, and continue for the length of the field. Initially the activity should be unopposed. Later, introduce a chaser; then introduce some passive type defenders so that the attack must scan.

  • 10 lines up behind the scrum. 15 lines up about 5 metres behind 10
  • 15 will run the same side as 10.
  • 13 & 14 line up on one side of the field. 11 & 12 line up on the other side of the field.
  • 9 needs to take out the flanker on whichever side he attacks ( 8 – 9’s)
  • 14                     13                                       15                                      12                            11


1 Motion Player

10 waits to see how the opposition defends and makes a call ‘left’ or ‘right’.

“Right” : 12 runs to the right as 13 and 14 go wider. 12 will leave as 9 puts the ball in to the scrum. 12 will be on 10’s outside or inside. 15 will pick his hole once he has scanned. The pace must be on with all the players when they receive the ball and as much as possible players will straighten and attack defenders.

“Left”: the same pattern with 13 running to the left and 12 and 11 drifting wider early in the play.

1 Motion Player

Set up not quite in the middle of the field. 11 and 12 run to the right OR 13 and 14 run to the left. These players will create inside and outside options.

In each activity players will continue with support type fitness once the penetration has been achieved, so that they are all running at pace for nearly the whole length of the practice area. Forwards can be introduced who will carry on the play with support play tactics.

Technical aspects: The motion players must leave early, run a lateral line, and then hit a 90 degree angle on to the ball. Players out wide should always hit the ball from a position that is different from where they started.

Enjoy, and develop other patterns.

B - 7 v 4 (5)

This activity is great for conditioning as well as specific running fitness and is easy to set up and carry out. A full field is ideal but at least half a field is necessary for most benefit.

Rugby specific requirements include scanning, committing, bursting support, running a variety of angles, spacing variety and support play. Defensively smaller numbers must make decisions on how and who to defend and work together to make life difficult for the attack.

The attack (7) will start inside their own 22 and run and pass at their opponents. Don’t call set plays but use all the skills previously taught such as ‘the extra runners’, ‘miss passes’, ‘decoy runners’, ‘scissors’ and so on. Once a gap has been created the attack must carry on with their support and score at the other end of the field. The defence will turn and chase with the aim of stopping them scoring the try.

At the tackle point the coach must decide whether it be a passive situation or a full contact situation. Early on, when the activity is new, it is a good idea to have a two handed touch or shoulder on the body, and create the next starting point for the attack from the tackle zone. On the count of “5” players must have regrouped and be ready to continue.

If the defence is struggling with four, then increase their numbers.

Once the try is scored the attack turn around and attack the opposite end without too much of a rest.

The coach needs to monitor this activity and can carry out coaching tips at the same time. Just remember its fitness and not a talking exercise.