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Player Profiling

As part of the initial selection process and as a continual monitoring of a player to help in the understanding and growth of each individual it is a good idea to carry out ‘performance profiling’.

This will provide a solid background of information which will enhance player development.

Profiling should be carried out in a position specific way which will highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the individual for certain roles within the team.

The coaches and selectors need to formulate a list of relevant aspects of the game. Players are then asked to rate their current level of performance out of 10 before meeting with the coach/es to discuss the coach ratings and what can be done to improve and develop the necessary aspects.

These 1 on 1 discussions will help find out a lot more about the individual than just what is listed on the questionnaire. Ideally the same process will take place again in mid-season.

If a coach wanted to use a position specific or mini-unit specific profile then there is ample information in the NZR publications ‘Foundation of Rugby Coaching’ and ‘Developing Rugby Coaches’. Check with the local union to see when these courses are to be held each season.

As an example, from ‘Developing Rugby Coaches’:

High work rate [support/cover]
Speed to the breakdown
Knows the running lines in attack & defence
Continuity skills – linking / contact skills & decisions
Driving the player back / turning ball over in the tackle
Understanding role in defensive pattern
Ball carrying ability / ability to penetrate
Passing skills
Winning ball on the ground
Lineout option
General vision and awareness
Fitness & power
Try scoring option
Relentless – not intimidated.

Generic qualities could be added to any list:
Will to succeed
High standards
Team ethos
Understanding the game

For school and club coaches where time is at a minimum if you fit this aspect in and carry out the one-on-one discussions your coaching and understanding of your players will improve and go a long way to having an enjoyable season.