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Improving Your Coaching

Do you know what your players really think of you as a coach?  Do you know what they perceive as your strengths and weaknesses?  Do you want to improve?
Try the following method of evaluation.   
Players will be handed this sheet to fill in and will not be required to have their name on it before handing it back. Obviously it would be a good idea for the manager to hand it out and collect it in and ensure that each player has confidentiality.
What happens after that is up to the coach.

coach feedback.jpg

SA: Strongly agree.    A:  Agree.     D: Disagree   SD: Strongly disagree     NA: Not applicable
These are but a few ideas.  You may wish to use different headings or just have the most important ten or so based on discussions with your team and what their expectations are.
You could also make up a sheet for your manager or your physio if you have one. The players are usually the only ones coming under scrutiny under the premise it is to help their game, so don't be frightened to have your own performances evaluated. Just make good use of the information.