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Ruck & Run Drill

If the R & R pattern is going to be successful then besides running fitness the players need to become competent at scanning which will provide them with information to make good decisions.

I use the term ‘TUBing’ to focus the players on what they should be doing as soon as they get off the ground or are setting up for a play. “Them – Us – Ball”.
Quite simply they follow the instructions in that order and continue the process – don’t stop at Ball!  When they do this, they make better decisions both with the ball and away from the ball.

The main aspect to remedy is players being focused on the ball only, both on attack and defence and in attack making choices purely based on a ‘call’ which often leads to unnecessary contact. 
Key phrases: ‘Look on the run’.  ‘Choose the best possible position’. [based on the positioning of the opposition]

A ball is placed at each cone. On “GO” (A, B, or C) the attack will run to the cone and attack in direction of the arrow.  The coach will call “GO” once again before the player at halfback makes a decision on what he is going to do. They need to discuss on the way to the ball the direction they will attack (which may change) and begin to run in to appropriate places on the field. The last couple of attackers need to look for obvious spaces on either side or create a second line so that they can run in to a hole from behind the initial attack line. The attack must score from the initial play with attack players running in to support positions.

The defensive group roles are as follows: First player runs to the far ‘A’ position. The second player takes up a position on the close ‘A’. We will imagine that there are two players in on the tackle.  The next two players are going to take up the close positions on the side the attack looks to be going so they need to be TUB’ing so that they know where to go. The remaining players will take up positions based on where the attacking players are.

As both the attack and defence are running to the ruck they will be calling out the person’s name opposite them, [ the attack should also be looking for spaces behind the defence;] the person’s name inside them (same team) and the number of players outside them (own team). This will ensure the TUBing is taking place.

When the attack starts the defence can experiment with various methods: racing up together / holding and pushing from the inside / a broken line with a couple of defenders racing up ahead of the remaining defenders / defending outside-in and getting up quickly in midfield.

The attack can run from the base; use the blindside; pass in to space [R & R]; kick to a free player. It will be important that they know where their team mates are and where the defence is strong, before they receive the ball. Players must be looking for spaces as they support and be prepared to run a long way to get there.

The attack will continue so long as the continuity occurs at a each breakdown, then the coach calls out the next ruck (1-2-3) at which time that ball is dropped and the same process takes place as the players run to the next phase.  For this phase the defender from ruck 1 who went to the far ‘A’ position will drop off.

The same process will happen one more time, this phase another defender (first ‘A’) drops out. In each case the attack should be attacking the spaces through good decisions based on ‘looking and ‘communicating’ with each other.

Players will continue the scanning process and calling out at each phase.

WHISTLE: if a whistle is blown at any time the group must stop where they are. Questions can be asked.

The cones could be placed differently. Need a minimum of 8 on each side. If there are up to 15 on each side drop a couple of defenders off each time or have two defenders in coloured vests who are non-tacklers. Vary the size of the field dependent on numbers and availability of space.