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Defence Drills for Tight Five

Defence drills for Tight Five

1. Warm Updef-fwd1art

  • Walk up to bag – hit – walk back
  • Bounce on spot – get bag carrier to run at left/right shoulder
  • Hit with the opposite leg and shoulder (safety, more stable)
  • Bouncing/crouch/engage/spine in line/accelerate legs/arms around/grab leg
  • Get shoulders in front of knees
  • Attack bag from side – not exactly front on

2. The ‘A’ Defender

i)  groups – 4/5def-fwd2rrt

  • bags go forward
  • tackler goes backwards then comes forward to tackle bag 2
  • work to ½ way and back, keep rotating

ii) larger groupdef-fwd2brrt

T – knees bent, back straight, looking over the top of the maul/ruck.  Outside shoulder - drive attacker out
T’s walk back as bags walk forward. One of the bags from the second line breaks through the middle or around the edge.  A ‘T’ will go forward and tackle/drive the bag sideways/backwards and the second ‘T’ will finish the tackle off.



3. A B C Defenders

Defenders (D) go forward and tackle bags; run backwards to line; go forward and tackle bags again.def-fwd3art
After bags are tackled second time, A1  has ball and acts as half-back.  He will run or pass to first player who will carry out a pattern or give short ball to bursting runner.
Defenders shuffle across and go forward to tackle attackers. Defenders must stay in their channels and go forward even if ball has left their channel.
Basic rules: ‘A’ defender tackles pick and go and any player running back in to his channel. ‘B’ defender takes the halfback if he runs or any player running in his channel. ‘C’ defender stays in his channel if 9 runs or the players inside him take the ball up. He only moves laterally once the attacker outside him has received the ball. He moves forward first though to tackle on the inside channel of the ball carrier.


4. Front On Tackling

Start with 1 v 1 in a 2m wide x 5m grid. In this drill the attacker is coming straight on and he needs to be held up and driven back. Defender gets off the line quickly; takes def-fwd4artshorts steps and crouches; head up and eyes open; steps and drives in hitting on the chest with the shoulder and wrapping the arms. Keep the leg drive and firm grip and drive the player backwards/sideways/off balance. Finish off the tackle by forcing the player back and/or recovering the ball.
1 v 2: The second defender must read what he has to do based on what the first tackler is achieving. His job is to make sure the man and the ball have been stopped/slowed down. It is important that the ball carrier does not get a pass away. Together they must finish off the tackle.
2 v 3: The grid can be wider. The first two players have the same responsibility and the third defender needs to deal with what happens with an extra attacker in place should the ball now be in his hands. These players are acting simultaneously to create a swarm like affect, and should be in control of the attackers and the ball and driving it backwards.

5. Close In Defence

  • Both D’s and A’s are a mix of playersdef-fwd5art
  • D’s run backwards to regroup at next cones (Teach ‘Scanning)
  • Concept:  big guys on the inside (slide) 1st player wraps to far side
  • Once they get to the cone they will move forward
  • Must keep in line - communicate
  • Work from the inside
  • Attackers should use different patterns
  • As soon as they are tackledl (2handed touch) they drop that ball and go to the next ball