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Running Plays from a 5 Man Lineout

If the coach and the team are sufficiently creative and want to run and pass from a set play, then the 5 man lineouts create a variety of attacking options.

The skills associated with these plays can be practiced in isolation as part of a drill or better still they can be fine-tuned running against an opposition or maybe ensuring they are used in touch rugby or other games the coach formulates.

These include: running with the ball in two hands / looking forward when carrying the ball / changing pace and angle with the ball / committing a defender and the timing the pass / receivers looking forward to locate a good space to run in to / receivers changing pace on receiving the ball and changing angle if necessary / timing of the pass / passing under pressure / making a pop pass in the tackle / support players looking forward and being aware of where they need to be / support players bursting in to a space to receive the ball / support players drifting in to a space to receive / all support players being proactive and setting up in the best spot should they receive the ball / contact skills.
The aim of these plays is to keep the ball alive as long as possible whilst going forward.

1-Set up to run and Attack

Aim: To set up with players spread across the field to create spaces that can be attacked
Best: Anywhere from the own 10 metre mark
Explanation: The ball is thrown to the back three / 9 makes a long pass to 10 who is on a balanced run but not really flat (he needs some time and space) / then there are any number of options – the coach could develop his own depending on the players available

Variations: A- WIDE
10 changes his line and pace of run and heads towards the next defender out / 8 calls for the ball on the inside / 12 runs wide then straightens (needs a bit of depth) / 10 passes across 12 to 13 who has been running a straight line after the initial drift / 13 pops it off to 7 who is wrapping him / 7 has 15 and 14 in support / 11 has come across as inside runner on 15 / 14 and 15 could carry out a wraparound ...

10 receives as before and passes to 12 / 12 takes the ball up as if to make contact / using 12 as the pivotal point there are a number of options:
1- 7 & 8 maintain a straight running line / 12 dummies in to 8 before passing to 7 / 7 threatens and pops it 15 on his outside / 15 has 13 and 14 on his outside and 11 and 10 on his inside / there should be at least one more pass made / players out wide can change angles of run & wrap after the pass
2- 8 & 7 maintain their running lines / 12 passes behind 7 to 15 / 15 has 13 and 14 on his outside and 11 and 10 on his inside / players out wide change angles and look for passing options
3- 12 is carrying / 7 & 8 do a 'X' behind 12 / 7 goes first / 7 receives from 12 and makes another pass inside to 11 on the burst / 11 is supported by 15 and 10 / keep the attack going with pop passes or passing under pressure and close support

As the ball is thrown to the lineout 15 is moving to the touchline near the lineout / 11 is moving towards that sideline / 10 receives in a deepish position and looks to run forward (in balance) / 8 calls for the ball on his outside shoulder / 7 is wrapping wide of 10 running towards the lineout and receives the inside pass / 7 passes to 11 who has 15 and 2 ready to take his pass / the players in the lineout more or less hold their positions whilst looking to the openside (don't track back) / they need to be ready to join the passing attack starting with the best ball carrier receiving from 15 or 2

These plays all require players running in balance and looking forward so that they know when to pass and when to speed up or change direction. There are at least three passes, often four, each time if we count the halfbacks pass so this is an important skill.

These plays are a lot of fun and need plenty of practice but can create all sorts of attacking opportunities. I am sure the coach can fine tune these as he sees them in action and will probably come up with the team's own variations with slight differences in starting positions and ball carriers.
Good luck.