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Wide Strike at the Scrum

Wide attack at scrum time needs to create continuity in the wide channels with the aim to be to get in behind the defensive line and keep going forward to create as much confusion as possible.

Think carefully about where the defence are likely to be at their strongest before planning the next phase.

Coaching skills and concepts to keep the ball alive in these wide channels is crucial to the success of the plays.

The plays that you choose will be determined by the ability and skills of the particular individuals you have in various positions.  For wide strikes the insides need to be able to threaten and pass and these skills should be taught as part of the play.

As well it will be really advantageous if the team has fast and penetrating runners in the back three.

The best idea is to start with one basic pattern that has two or three options that can be used.

Back play can be difficult to coach. In order to be successful backlines have to put defence under pressure. To do this, players have to put themselves under pressure by performing near to the defenders.

Players can only acquire the timing and confidence necessary for this by practicing under pressure similar to that they will face in games.

The building blocks for back play are handling, running and decision making and these skills should be practiced as often as possible.

PLAYS (Make up your own names)
“Cut 1”

 *Aim: To threaten the defence in a flat formation and make the crucial 'cut out' pass/es close to the tackle line
*Scrum Call: ' Beta OR Charlie -2'.  Square  OR Tighthead up – channel 2
*Best: on attack
*Explanation: 10 carries the ball forward and runs straight  / 12 & 13 just hold back slightly in normal formation / 10 makes a cut out  pass to 13 in front of 12 /  13 has 15 and the wings in support
*Variations:  'Cut 1 – Cut' – 13 cuts 15 to 11 or 14 (lots of options and support play variations)
‘Cut 2' – 10 passes to 12 / 12 misses 13 and passes to 15 / wings in support OR 12 misses 13 and passes to a wing / other wing and fullback in support
'Cut 3' – quick ball through the hands to 13 who cuts one of the wings or the fullback

“Dummy switch Loop”
*Aim: to hold the defence in the midfield with a double decoy (the switch and loop) before going wide
*Scrum Call: 'Bull OR Cam – 2'
*Best: on attack
*Explanation: 10 runs a dummy switch with 12 / 10 passes to 13 who takes the ball forward as if to hit up / 13 pops to 10 on the loop / 10 straightens and threatens and links with 15 / 15 needs to get in to the line early so that he threatens a defender / both wingers in support
*Variations:   10 could cut 15 to a winger / 10 and 12 could switch / 13 could dummy the pass to 10 and take off / 10 could dummy and take off through the gap

“Cut Loop”
*Aim: to threaten in midfield and create confusion before going wide (probably passing under pressure)
*Scrum Call: 'Bulldozer OR Caravan - 2'
*Best:  anywhere in the attacking half
*Explanation: 10 makes a cut out pass across 12 to 13 / 13 runs straight as 12 runs a loop line on 13 / 15 runs off the hip of 13 / 15 passes to 12 who has the wings in support
*Variations: 15 hits the gap and pop passes to 12 if tackled / 13 passes behind 15 to 12