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- Ruck & Run Drill
- Playing Philosophy – Ruck & Run Coaching Components
- Playing Philosophy – Spread the Forwards
- Playing Philosophy – A forward behind the ruck
- Playing Philosophy – Ruck & Run
- Playing Philosophy – An idea!
- The Breakdown
- Building Positivity [3]
- Building Positivity [2]
- Building Positivity
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- Missiles are Dangerous
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- Winger Attacking Outside First-Five
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- The Rugby Coordinator and Pre-Season Preparation
- Why Not Use Tap Penalties More Often?
- Why Kick the Ball Down the Middle of the Field?
- Defending the 5 Metre Lineout Drive
- Scoring from the 5 Metre Lineout
- What are the Kicking Team Aiming to Achieve from Halfway Restart
- Should We Practice Scoring Tries?
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- Under 11/13 – Ruck Defence
- Under 11/13 – Back Attack
- Under 13 – The Counter Attack
- Under 11/13 – The Maul
- Under 11/13 – Lineouts
- Under 11/13 – Decision Making
- Under 11/13 – Support Play
- Under 11/13 – Dive Pass and More
- Under 11/13 – Drop & Grubber Kick /Highball Catch
- Under 11/13 – Front on Tackling
- Under 11/13 – Contact – Getting Up – The Ruck
- Under 11/13 – The Coaching Session
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- Wide Strike at the Scrum
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- No 8 Plays at the Scrum (2)
- No 8 Plays at the Scrum
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- To Ruck or Not to Ruck
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- It's a Running Game
- RugbySmart 2015
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- Position Specific – Fullback
Playing Philosophy

PLANNING FOR THE SEASON: The Playing Philosophy - Ian Snook
The philosophies and patterns you embark on will be dependent on the ability level of the players that you have in your squad, but you must make sure your players and team are developing all the time, so set a base line now and know where you would like to be at the conclusion of the season.
1- The Psychological Edge
What is the major strength in your squad which if developed fully will give the team the greatest psychological edge in every game? You should work hard on making this aspect the focus for the team; something they know they are really good at, and if carried out properly will give a good chance of victory.
Ideally this will be based on a confrontational zone or it may be based on a tactical, speed and skill area. Once you decide what this aspect of play is going to be you need to establish the basic skill set and then develop it to a degree so that it creates pressure on opponents and provides attacking opportunities for yourself.
For example if you decide it is the scrum, what steps need to be put in place: a) every individual must understand his technical role and how the technical, power and strength aspects combine as a unit. There are many tricks of the trade to learn so getting an ‘expert’ along is a good idea. b) Every individual needs to understand the mental aspects of scrummaging. In any given situation each player should instinctively know whether he is pushing left or right or straight; or perhaps ‘locking out’; and prepare for the second shove and so on. c) If the scrum is to be your major psychological weapon how is it used to create doubt in the mind of the opponents and scoring opportunities for your team.
A great deal of thought and practice must go in to this aspect if it is to give you the confidence required each week. Maybe some T Shirts with “We Love Scrums” would be appropriate.
Think about other key areas before deciding on your ‘psychological weapon’. Other aspects could include: a) the tackle area on attack and defence . Specialise in making this a physically dominant zone based on good technique, aggression and a full team understanding of what is trying to be achieved at the zone and what opportunities it creates and how to develop these. b) The lineout is a great tool for establishing how you intend to play the game. You can be physical; speed the game up or slow it down; provide variations that provide attacking platforms where you want them; and provide real pressure on opposition ball. If this is to be your ‘psychological edge’ you need to spend a lot of time practicing against opposition; and you need a good thrower (who may not be the hooker) c) If you have strength and speed in the backs you may wish to play a wide game based on players threatening with the ball and the ball being a moving target. Lots of time should be spent with the team working together, establishing patterns, and making sure every player understands their role. Work out how to get your ‘key’ players in the key positions.
2- Patterns of Play.
As a club coach you have a limited amount of time with your players each week so the training sessions need to be used wisely. The most important aspect is that all the squad need to know and understand the Patterns of Play, and various Tactics to be used against different opposition and in different weather conditions.
Do not spend an inordinate amount of time on individual skill work and playing games. As much as possible have the squad learning what happens where, why it happens, and how it is sequenced.
With this in mind you need to know what your style of play is going to be and then coach the mini-unit, unit and team requirements to successfully carry out your Game Plan. For example; if your ‘psychological edge’ is scrummaging, to compete successfully from the scrum then your attack concept may be “quick ball and continuity”.
Hence, you will need to plan attack patterns that return quick ball in the part of the field best suited to your team; the contact techniques to be used (not only rucking); the sequencing following the first contact point; support play requirements with positioning, numbers and continuity techniques; attackers scanning and finding spaces across the field that can be relayed to the decision maker/s; and how you get your key ball carriers in to the crucial positions against weak defence.
It is important that these patterns are carried out time and time again, preferably against some sort of opposition.
If the ‘psychological edge’ in your game is going to be the physicality, variety and technique associated with the Contact Zone then you need to plan your Patterns from turnover ball and how you plan to use the contact zone when you have the ball.
For example you may attack from 10m out by keeping the ball up off the ground and making restarts from slow rucks by uplifting the ball and walking it over. Further out you may want to use close attack with forwards staying close to the ‘dark areas’ and using pick and go, close runners, bound up driving or other methods before utilizing the ball wider out. Backs will need to know what is required when they are tackled-standing and turning; driving an extra metre and so on.
Develop methods that suit your team and if necessary divide them in to two groups and establish the patters. Once the patterns are established, reinforce the techniques.
3- The Basics.
Once you have established your ‘psychological edge’ requirements, and how you want to play the game (Patterns of Play); then you will know the coaching requirements for ‘The Basics’.
If for example your ‘psychological edge’ is scrummaging, and your ‘patterns of play’ revolve around quick ball and continuity, then your lineouts need to reflect your particular strengths in that area. If you have a very strong and physical lineout, this set piece may take a similar physical dominance as in the way you are using the scrum. There would be lots of driving and plenty of physical pressure on the opposition ball. If you have a relatively small lineout you may well use short lineout variations and get the ball in quickly, and then establish the next sequence of quick ball and continuity.
If your ‘psychological edge’ is the contact zone you may well plan a very physical defence both in the backline and at phase play. Set out your basic defensive pattern and once that is established introduce variations with blitz defences, a front runner, big hits and any other ideas you may have.
When you plan your kick offs they need to reflect your attitude towards the game. Are they to be confrontational which takes a lot of training time, or are they to be long with a good chase?
There will be many other aspects that you need to cover off on during the season, but it is important to remember what you want to achieve and keep your focus on that. Remember, spend 80% of your time on the 20% of the game that is going to make the biggest improvements.