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Playing Philosophy – Spread the Forwards

As another alternative to the basic phase patterns of 2-4-2 and the likes of 1-3-3-1 you could run a far more fluid plan spread across the field.
This example is a ‘1 – blindside / 3 - ruck / 1 – behind ruck / 1 – behind first back receiver / 1 – behind 2nd receiver / 1 – behind 3rd receiver’  [1-3-1-1-1-1]

The alignment is as flat as possible based on ability levels, to achieve what you need to achieve.
9 passes directly to B1 in front of F6 who could run at C to hold the defence. Think about other options for F6. F5 needs to be tracking on the inside and creating a threat.
B1 passes to B2 in a normal manner. B1 then loops in support.
W looks to get in to the best possible support position that he can. Probably in the pocket behind the ball.
B2 will run laterally as will B3. [This is an option – the angles they run will determine what lines your forwards will run]
F7 will run inside B2. The ball will be passed in front of him. F7 will then support.
B2 has the following options: switch with F8 / pop to B4 with a short ball / carry on running / pass to B3 or B4 (if he has gone wide).
All runners should arrive at the tackle line at the same time.

If the players form up in a formation something like this then there will be many patterns that can be run. Sort out a pattern and focus on the pattern in one position – say running a pattern off B3.
Ideally at the penetrating point the ball carrier requires a passing option both inside and outside.
A plan could be: B3 receives directly from B2 and straightens – F7 delays his run and hits a gap on the inside shoulder of B3 – B3 dummies with his head/ball to F7 – B4 hits a short line on the outside of B3 / B4 receives or B3 passes behind to F8
The key will be B3 straightening up (needs a bit of time and space) and the potential penetrating runners getting their timing and angles right.
Then of course there needs to be players trying to get a second touch of the ball in the same play (support).