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Should We Practice Scoring Tries?

This is a question that is often asked and the answer is an emphatic ‘yes’ at every level.

Quite simply the object of a game of rugby is to score as many tries as possible so by practicing doing this at training there is an image created in the mind that builds confidence and an expectation from each individual that they can score a try.

Starting with the Small Blacks at Under 7 they should understand how to score and try and why they are required to do this. A downward pressure on the ball, preferably using two hands, on or over the tryline will earn them 5 points.

There is a lot of fun just running up to the tryline and diving or sliding to score. This could be a relay or an activity where the team has two minutes to score as many tries as they can by running and scoring then returning the ball to the next player who is behind a cone.

Make up as many activities as you like. Sliding tries, diving tries, pressing it down under the chest or placing it down with two hands as the player is running fast.

Then it is onward and upward as the players get older. The progressions from unopposed to opposed can include beating a defender in a 1 v 1 situation when coaching the sidestep or swerve; 2 v 1 when teaching support play and draw and pass; and in 3 v 2 situations when coaching threatening running with chests to tryline, changes of pace and angle and putting the penetrator in to space.

The point is that at every level when practicing a new skill or reviewing the skill there should be a try scored at the end of it. This is the ultimate result.

If you are coaching driving lineouts make sure the pack score each time. Introduce more defenders when they start to put some polish on the plan.

Attacking play inside the 22 needs to be finished with a try. Use defenders as often as possible.

Whatever you are doing now make a plan to ensure that there is a try scored on all the attacking plays.

How many of your players have never scored at training? Ask them. You will be very surprised. Some players don’t think it is one of their roles but of course it is the responsibility of every player.

If a player hasn’t scored at training then it is unlikely they will ever score in a game. Change that right now.