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7's Selection and Game Planning

SEVENS.   6 – Selection and Game Planning


Before a coach runs a few trial games to start sorting out his squad he needs to know exactly what he is looking for from his players.
Assuming there is a squad of 12 to be named he could well base his selections under the following criteria:
1-    Strikers (3).  These are generally forwards from the fifteens game who have the ability to carry the ball strongly, crash it up, hit the gaps, create problems by attracting several defenders, keeping the ball in contact and having the ability to off load in the tackle.
2-    Ruckmen (2). The ruckman is the individual who has the ability to secure ball on the ground, turn ball over in the tackle, and retain ball in pressure tackle areas.
3-    Playmakers (3). Quite often an inside back from fifteens these players are the steppers and organisers with an advanced ability to make good decisions for the team and drive it around the field both on attack and defence.
4-    Speedsters (4).  Nothing matches straight out speed in sevens. The more speed the better.  This player may well be a key defender as the sweeper.

Of course each individual needs to possess as many sevens qualities as possible, these being:
Speed  /  Handling  / Evasion  /  Tackling and recovery  /  Anaerobic fitness  / Composure leading to good choices  / Physicality  / working as a team player.
Specialist roles exist in the form of kickers who can drop out with great height and kick conversions from as far out as the sideline. This player is of a huge importance to the team.

A halfback obviously needs the ability to carry out the tasks required around the scrum both as an attacker and defender and he needs to be one of your playmakers.   Forwards (Strikers and Ruckmen) generally will need to provide a thrower and lineout man as well as being strong and flexible enough to meet the scrummaging requirements.
The best theory I have utilized with sevens selection is; “if a player doesn’t chase back hard on defence when all seems lost, don’t pick him”.  He won’t be there when you need him most!

Game Planning

A simple organization sheet prior to a tournament or game could be based on the following plan.


Develop this concept to meet your needs and cover off on the main points.  
Don’t go through the whole sheet with your team prior to a game; just use a couple of key points. Use the sheet as a check list for you to pick out what the team and individuals need a word about between games – both good aspects and those to be remedied.