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Structuring a Close in Tackling/Defensive Session

Structuring a Close in Tackling/Defensive Session.

It can be a good idea to choose one aspect of the game to be practiced during a whole session so that the techniques and strategies are reinforced fully and not left half covered off until next time. If tackling and close defensive strategies are part of the 80/20 required by your team you may well devise a session similar to the following.

Reinforcing close in contact techniques and strategies

a) Warm Up                   (15 min)
Set up the Circuit with 8 activities. Players to work in groups of 5 and follow one another to enable appropriate rest time.
Speed: Ins and Outs / Star Sprint / 5m Sprint / Pitter patter Sprint / Zig Zag Sprint
Power: Hurdle Hop / Acceleration Bounds /
Stretching: during rest periods. 2/3 minutes at the completion of the warm up.
This is just a sample only. You will use a warm up that you are comfortable with.

b) Defensive Contact Skills                    (15 min      2x 7 min)Tackle_drillDivide in to two groups
a) 1 v 1 and 2v2 activities
In a grid (7 x 5m) the defender must come forward and defend an attacker coming from the opposite corner/same corner.
The defender/s must: go forward quickly; get in to balance with little steps; drive forward placing two hands on the hips; get the close leg right in beside the attacker; make sure he has manipulated the attacker and forced him to run in the direction that the defender wants him to; does not let him break on the inside.
b) Hitting skills   -same skills apply as a) but with full contact. The tackle is not completed until the tackler has got back to his feet and recovered the ball or has got to his feet and driven in to the tackle zone.

c) Defensive Contact at the Point                 (25 min)                   
Hitman –Destroyer-Hunter and Jackaling skills
Groups of 3     2 metre grids        
a)  1 V 1
Attacker in tackle suit or chest pad must try to score in 2m grid / depending on size of tackler against attacker the tackler can either demolish the attacker and control both the ball and player or they can hit-pull-jackal.
Each defender to make 4 successful tackles (2 on each partner)
b) 1 V 2
Attacker in tackle suit or chest pad must try to score in 2m grid / hitman will move in and make a hit controlling either the ball or man (depending on size-hopefully both) and Destroyer will follow up immediately doing what he has to finish off the job (i.e. control of ball and man/driving him back to win the battle of the tackle line)
Each rotation of defenders to make two successful demolitions.
c) 2 V 3
Groups of 5        5 metre grids
2 attackers must endeavour to score in 5m grid. They will wear tackle suits or chest pads.
Hitman will go forward and ensure they control either the ball or the player / Destroyer will ensure the player is being driven back and/or the ball cannot be released / Hunter will take care of the support player in the same way.
Each pair will attack three times allowing the H/D/H to take on the different roles.
Defensive skills: move forward off the line / short steps / crouch / chin off chest / get the foot in close / hit with the shoulder and drive while wrapping arms.  The man and the ball need to be controlled by the first two players. Need to make better use of legs than at camp and get in closer.

d) Opposed Broken play                       (20 min)
Working the defensive point and the immediate realignment close to the Ruck
2 groups of 10/12                   ¼ field
Start at a ruck point (4 v 3) then carry on with phase plays and pick and go and short passes. No differentiation between backs and forwards.
Each attack has 10 minutes. See how many times the defence can turn the ball over in that time and how many tries are scored.
Teams attack in tackle suits or chest pads.
Reinforce the roles of the immediate tackler (Hitman) and the next man in on the tackle/ball (hunter). The third man arriving must make a decision whether to destroy the area or to take up a defensive role close to the ruck)
Coaches should read the article on ‘Physical Domination at the Tackle’ which also includes ‘Corridor of Power Defence’ which provides guidelines as to what the defenders roles are. It would also be useful to read the article on ‘Tight 5 Defence’.

e) Game/ Warm down / stretch off.   (15 min)
Equipment: hurdles, cones, markings for circuit, tackle suits, balls, teams on board
