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U8/U10 Draw & Pass and Sidestep

Under 8/10 – Draw & Pass / The Sidestep

Draw and Pass

Continue with the basic pass and catch and running with the ball drills that have been introduced with the Beginners. These will need to be reinforced before the players can understand and execute the draw and pass.
The objective of the draw and pass is to maintain the flow of the game by passing to a teammate who is in a better position to run with the ball. The coach needs to set up these scenarios that demonstrate this to the players so they see the need to make a pass.

Now is the time to combine the running with the ball, making a pass on the run and support play.

Running with the Ball

  • Carry the ball in two hands so that the defender is not sure what the attacker is going to do.
  • Run as straight as possible at the defender so that they are made to stand still and have their feet planted which makes them easier to beat with a pass or a step.
  • Look at the tackler so that you know where they are and what they are doing. They will also be attracted to the runner if that person is looking at them.
  • Before starting the run have a quick look to see where your teammate is positioned. Have another look once you have decided the time is right to pass.

Passing on the Run

  • When the defender is committed to tackle the player with the ball that player will choose the time to pass.
  • They will look at the receiver and swing their arms across their body.
  • Use the wrists to propel the ball along with the arms. This will require bent elbows to begin with.
  • Follow through with the arms and point to the spot where you want the ball to arrive at chest height in front of the receiver.
  • Turn the inside shoulder and thigh and hip slightly to the tackler to get the rotation for the pass and to present hard parts for the tackler to make their tackle.
  • Keep the arms and fingers pointed momentarily and continue running forward in the straight line.


  • Once the player has made the pass they should support the ball carrier.
  • This will require the passer to run hard and wrap around the new ball carrier to receive another pass or to join the attackers. Alternatively, they may stay inside the ball carrier and call for an inside pass if there is a space available.
  • This is crucial to continue the momentum of the attack.

1 – 2 v 1
Set up a small grid with 2 attackers along one line and the defender on the opposite line marking up on the ball carrier.
The ball carrier and defender move forward towards each other and at the appropriate time the ball carrier will pass to his support player. The pass must be timed so that the defender does not have time to run over and tackle the support player. This requires the ball carrier to commit the tackler by running straight at them and keeping them square and the support player timing their run so that they accelerate and catch the pass running at nearly full speed.
The attack should count how many tries they score from 6 attempts. Swap around.

Set up activities with 2 v 1 situations. In a 10 x 10 grid roll the ball towards the 2 attackers. The player who picks the ball up must run at the defender and pass to his support player to score. Remind the players, run at the defender to stop them and pass away from the defender when they are committed to tackling 'you'.

2- 2 v 1 + 1
Mark out a larger grid. 8 x 8 metres. 2 attackers are along one side of the grid. 1 defender is opposing the ball carrier 4 metres away and another defender is behind the original defender on the corner of the grid opposing the ball carrier.
The scenario is two situations of 2 v 1. The ball carrier runs forward as does the original defender (as in the first drill) As the ball carrier passes to their support player the second defender leaves their corner to tackle the new ball carrier.
The new ball carrier heads towards the new defender and as they commit them to the tackle they pass to the original ball carrier who is on their outside after having run a support position.
See which pair can get the most tries from 6 attempts.

3- 3 v 2
As the players improve their skill level introduce a 3 v 2 in a larger grid.
Remember to coach the key points as you play the activity.
Running straight with the ball in two hands is the key. Make sure attacker 2 receives the ball with a bit of depth so that they can run straight as well and is not under too much pressure.
The third attacker must hold his depth and run at pace on to the ball.
The attackers must pass and support so that one is on the outside of the ball carrier and one is behind them.
For a start make sure the tacklers just stay on the player they are marking at the beginning. Once they get better on the attack then the defenders can change who they mark up on. This will require the ball carrier to look forward and decide on what to do – run; pass outside; pass inside.

The Side-Step

The swerve has been practiced with the Beginners (Under 7’s) which may well have been a sidestep for some. The idea is to get the players practicing what they are good at which may be a swerve, a side-step or a goose-step.
Similar activities can be used to practice these skills but it helps if the coach knows what they are looking for and can improve the skill.
The swerve will be when the player runs at the inside shoulder of the defender and at the appropriate time they will change pace and angle with their inside leg swivelling across their outside leg and accelerating in to the outside space.
The sidestep can take place in a more confined area with the ball carrier aiming for one shoulder on the defender with a step to that side and a shoulder feint to the same side. They will set this up with a few short steps to get in to balance.
They will then step back in the other direction off the foot which they had just planted. Take a wide step back to where you started and accelerate forward. This requires the player to step laterally before going forward. It is that stop-start movement that is the key to beating the tackler.

The kids will love using this skill. Keep the ball in two hands until after the side-step. Then place it under the far arm from the tackler.

1- Cones
Set up cones so that the player a) runs towards a cone and gets in to balance with short steps carrying the ball in two hands and looking forward. Arrive at the cone up on the toes with feet moving quickly and feet about shoulder width apart b) take a step out to a cone on the right or left and move the ball in that direction in two hands at the same time as the upper body feints in that direction c) push hard off the leg you have landed on directly back in the direction you came, this time taking a larger step. The player should have shifted to a point further across from the starting point. Have another cone there.  d) accelerate forward on the outside leg transferring the ball across to the outside of the body.

2 – 1 v 1
a) In a small grid introduce the skill and get the players to practice it in 1 v 1 situations.
In the first instance the defender stands in the middle of the grid and the attacker can step either side of a static defender.
b) When the players understand the concept start them 5 metres apart and ask the attacker how many tries they can score by using the side-step. Try 5 turns each.
c) Finally roll a ball to the attacker who must pick it up and step the defender coming towards them.

3- 2 v 1 + 1
Using the above activity ask the second receiver to step the second defender.
They must slow them by running at them, then step and accelerate when they have slowed.
A toughie but a lot of fun.