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Use double quotes – e.g. "under 10" searches for the exact match "under 10" as opposed to content containing "under" and "10"

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Combine the search features to narrow your search – e.g. "under 10" basic drills kick*


PLANNING for the SEASON. 3- Overview for the Season - Ian Snook

Now is a good time to begin planning your overview for the coming season.  This needs to be flexible and can be added to and deleted from as you go.

There are any number of topics to consider, depending on your enthusiasm; availability of personnel and facilities; goals both on and off the field.

Some considerations:
•    Pre-season strength and conditioning training.
•    Planning sessions with coaches, management and player leaders.
•    Club Coaching Day for Coaches.  Practical, strategic.
•    Club Coaching Day for Players.   
•    BBQ and family days.
•    Monthly BBQ’s after training.
•    Specialised pre-season sessions.   E.g.: scrummaging
•    Training nights and times.
•    Fun activity nights.
•    Additional unit and mini-unit sessions.
•    Fitness testing and monitoring.  Monthly/6 weekly …
•    Pre-season games
•    Club Competition dates.
•    Rep programme. Potential loss of players.
•    Team Leader meetings
•    Elite player extension work
•    Dates and activity for Community Activity.

   matt 3
Good luck. Be innovative and have a lot of fun mixed in with your hard work. Remember to get people in to help. You do not know everything and cannot do everything on your own.