- Rugby Toolbox
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- Snook on Coaching
- Back Attack Preparation
- Ruck & Run Drill
- Playing Philosophy – Ruck & Run Coaching Components
- Playing Philosophy – Spread the Forwards
- Playing Philosophy – A forward behind the ruck
- Playing Philosophy – Ruck & Run
- Playing Philosophy – An idea!
- The Breakdown
- Building Positivity [3]
- Building Positivity [2]
- Building Positivity
- Fitness and Game Related Activities
- Getting the Head Working
- Missiles are Dangerous
- Use of Video
- Winger Attacking Outside First-Five
- Player Profiling
- Selection
- Fitness Away from the Team Session
- Playing Philosophy (Pre season Prep)
- Coaching the Coaches
- The Rugby Coordinator and Pre-Season Preparation
- Why Not Use Tap Penalties More Often?
- Why Kick the Ball Down the Middle of the Field?
- Defending the 5 Metre Lineout Drive
- Scoring from the 5 Metre Lineout
- What are the Kicking Team Aiming to Achieve from Halfway Restart
- Should We Practice Scoring Tries?
- Team Culture
- Looking After Your Players
- Coach Survival Tips
- Under 11/13 – Backline Defence
- Under 11/13 – Ruck Defence
- Under 11/13 – Back Attack
- Under 13 – The Counter Attack
- Under 11/13 – The Maul
- Under 11/13 – Lineouts
- Under 11/13 – Decision Making
- Under 11/13 – Support Play
- Under 11/13 – Dive Pass and More
- Under 11/13 – Drop & Grubber Kick /Highball Catch
- Under 11/13 – Front on Tackling
- Under 11/13 – Contact – Getting Up – The Ruck
- Under 11/13 – The Coaching Session
- Under 8/10 – Using Space
- Under 8/10 – Kicking
- Under 8/10 – Contact and Picking Up the Ball
- U8/U10 Draw & Pass and Sidestep
- Under 8/10 – The Tackle
- Under 8/10 – The Coaching Session
- Under 7 – Test Your Coaching – Support Play
- Tap Pass and Swerve U7
- Ball Familiarisation; Passing & Receiving
- Activities for the Non-Contact Tackle
- Under 7 – The Coaching Session
- Coaching Teenagers – After the Ruck
- Coaching Teenagers – The Practice Session
- Coaching Teenagers – Best Practice
- Coaching Kids – Best Practice
- Plays from a Tap Penalty
- Running Plays from a 5 Man Lineout
- Driving Plays from a 5 Man Lineout
- Strike Plays at the End of the Lineout
- Back Strike Plays at the Lineout
- Wide Strike at the Scrum (2)
- Wide Strike at the Scrum
- Midfield Attack at the Scrum
- No 8 Plays at the Scrum (2)
- No 8 Plays at the Scrum
- The Cut Out Pass
- Skills to Penetrate (2)
- Skills to Penetrate
- Movements to Penetrate
- Patterns to Penetrate
- Contact and Continuity
- Keeping the Ball Alive Out Wide
- Pre Season Support Activities
- Checklist
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- The Playing Philosophy
- The Lineout
- Overview
- Team Profile
- Start Now!
- Backrow
- Nine and Ten
- Rugby-related Fitness Activities
- The Psychological Edge
- Open Field Play
- Key Performance Indicators
- Improving Team Performance
- Backline Attack Concepts
- Tactics at Phase Play
- Playing Philosophy
- The ‘Stop Focus’
- Kick Attack
- Clearing the 22
- Wide Attack at Phase
- Player Focus
- Scrum Preparation
- Lineout Preparation
- Back Attack Preparation
- Sevens Preparation
- Sevens Kick Offs
- Sevens Scrum and Lineout
- Sevens Attack Patterns
- Sevens Defence
- 7's Selection and Game Planning
- Coaching and Leadership
- How the Game Evolves
- Changing Within the Game
- Learning from the Television.
- Using Tap Penalties Wisely
- Defence Drills
- Defence Drills for Tight Five
- Team Defence and TUB’ing
- Establishing Patterns from the Ruck
- Structured Phase Play
- Structuring Phase Play on the Run
- Coaching Roles
- Structuring a Close in Tackling/Defensive Session
- Coaching in Threes
- Attacking Back Play
- Kick Off Chase
- Wrap Around Back Plays
- Lineout Plans
- Looking and Learning
- Motivating Your Players
- Scrum Attack
- Refocusing the Team
- Monitoring the Progress
- Learning the Game
- Playing to the Laws
- Small is OK
- Decisions After the Tackle
- Improving Your Coaching
- Food for Thought
- More Food for Thought
- Passing & Catching
- How Ireland Nearly Beat the All Blacks
- The Progressive Coach
- Try Something New
- Encouraging Excitement
- The Mental Approach
- Where to Start
- Being the Best You Can Be
- Off the Ball Decisions
- Lineouts Difficult to Master
- Decisions on the Run
- Rucking and Rolling
- A Successful Approach
- Gaining Clarity
- Manipulation vs Physicality
- Beating the Drift
- To Ruck or Not to Ruck
- Stopping the Lineout Drive
- Fine Tuning the Planning
- It's a Running Game
- RugbySmart 2015
- Using the Shoulders
- Loosehead Prop / Tighthead Prop
- Position Specific – Hooker
- Position Specific – Lock
- Position Specific – Blindside Flanker
- Position Specific – Openside Flanker
- Position Specific – No 8
- Position Specific – Halfback
- Position Specific – First Five Eighth
- Position Specific – Second Five Eighth
- Position Specific – Centre Three-quarter
- Position Specific – Wing
- Position Specific – Fullback
Back Attack Preparation

It is never too early in the season to begin the technical, physical and decision making aspects of back attack. The following ideas can be tried and fine tuned leading in to a playing season, and then utilized as a fifteen minute warm up before trainings during the season or even before games, by selecting what you consider to be appropriate for your group from within all the activities.
In the first instance it is a good idea to do at least four sessions that start with much discussion and practicing and take up to an hour, before slowly picking out what is best and finally cutting it down to a fifteen minute warm up. Full and live back attack sessions will still be required during the season.
The importance of accuracy and understanding the technical and decision making requirements is crucial to a successful game.
Passing: ball held in two hands up in front of stomach / player needs to be looking forward as much as possible / elbows slightly bent / propel ball with a rapid punching movement from the elbows (if possible don’t use a big swing of the arms) / the hand behind and under the ball provides the power, direction and control – it must stay in contact with the ball along the line of the pass / the top hand is for balance and also direction / use wrists to help with propulsion / follow through with both hands pointing towards the target / isolate the upper and lower body by turning head and torso / keep bottom parts facing forward so leg weight is distributed naturally / pass to space at chin height
Catching: ideally fingers are facing upwards in front of chin / ball is caught out in front by reaching towards ball / head needs to stay to the front as much as possible to see what is happening.
Warm Up Drills
a)3’s / static passing to left then right / 10x each side at each distance / increase the distance of the pass / jog and pass in 20m grid / increase the speed of the run / increase the distance of the pass / players must correct each other’s techniques
b) 3’s / a player or all 3 are in a ladder so that the running is difficult / same sort of sequence as above / requires players to pass whilst not in full control of lower body / could use cones to run over / players could be hopping on one foot with the same sequence as above
c) 3’s + defender / middle player catches and has a defender in front of him / defender will move right or left and ball carrier must pass as soon as the defender moves / build up the pace and the distance / return back through the grid
# It is a good idea at some stage during this warm up to get the players doing a few short sprints so that their bodies know what is required once they get in to the activity at pace.
Catch/Pass Drills and Attack Concepts
These drills can all be carried out in unopposed situations and lead to opposed situations.
a)Running an ‘In’ line: three attack players / first player runs straight / first and second receivers run straight then attack the inside shoulder (use flags; cones or defenders [2]) / receive pass and accelerate as changing direction / ball carrier straightens and passes to second receiver running the same line / players need to change direction as late as possible and accelerate so that they change two aspects-line and pace / run through the grid; turn and go back doing it again / if defenders are in place they need to have some control variables placed on them.
b) Running an ‘out’ line: same starting formation and grid set up the same / just before reaching the flag the attacker drifts hard, straightens and accelerates on to the outside shoulder / the pass is floated across the front of the runner who quickly straightens and carries out the same with the second receiver / once again there is a change of angle and pace / the second receiver must maintain his depth and get his timing right
c) Overs and Unders Lines: same formation / the first receiver (2nd player in the line) will run first and run an ‘out’ line to get outside the far flag / the second receiver (3rd player in the line) will run an ‘in’ line crossing behind the 2nd player as soon as possible and receiving a short ball whilst attacking the inside of the flag. / Alternately the players may cross with the 2nd runner behind the third runner with the ball going wide or close / experiment with depth, angles and timing / make sure there is a change of pace as well
d) Switches (scissors): same formation / ball carrier runs straight for a couple of paces then goes on a lateral run / the 2nd player will run straight and then angle back inside the ball carrier or alternately he may run from wide and run an ‘in’ line / the 3rd player can run a switch line; an ‘in’ line or an ‘out’ line / there are a number of options open to the ball carrier – 1- pass to the 2nd player on a switch 2- pass to the 2nd player on an ‘in’ line 3- carry on having sold a dummy to the 2nd runner 4- make a switch with the 3rd player 5- pass to the 3rd player on an ‘in’ line 6- pass to the 3rd player on an ‘out’ line 7- dummy the 3rd player and carry on by straightening and accelerating / for a start the defenders need to have a set of controls on them until the attack is capable of carrying out these options / key is for the first player to be looking forward
e) Circle Ball: four attack players / 3 in the front line as before / 4th player will hit a hole between player 2 and 3 / ball carrier runs straight – passes to 2nd player and loops around him / ideally player 2 will threaten in some way by looking forward; making a quick step; showing ball … / he will pop it back to first player looping around / this player should accelerate and straighten to hold the next defender / he then has a choice of passing to the 4th player bursting in to the space outside him or missing this player and passing to player 3 who will have varied his line depending on where the defender has moved to.
f) Miss pass & Inside ball: groups of 4 in a lateral formation / ball carrier runs straight to threaten / he misses the 2nd player and passes out in front of 3rd player who is threatening by running as straight as possible / 3rd player passes back in to 2nd player who has slowed then accelerated on to the pass / 2nd player misses 3rd player who has quickly repositioned after his pass and passes to bursting 4th player / 4th player must vary his line (‘in’ , ‘out’) depending on where the defender might be.
If you are warming up only then cones/flags should be in place as defenders. It can be useful to use cones to indicate the channels down the grid so that players know the lines they should be running and which channel they should end up attacking.
These drills are only part of any attack play and need to be fitted in to a bigger picture. Once the players have mastered the pattern then defenders with specific roles should be placed in to the drill. Start with fewer defenders than attackers. It is most important in any drill that the attackers are looking forward and making decisions on what they see in front of them.
These are but a sprinkling of ideas that are available. Make up your own drills based on the necessary aspects to fit in to your patterns. You might include kicking as well and develop the drills in to mini games. The important thing is to get your package organized before the season commences and ensure that there is at least one session each week prior to the main training, or to commence/ finish the main session. Keep a close eye on the development each week and demand an intensity and accuracy that will ensure improvements.
As the season commences you will be able to be more specific as to the requirements and technical aspects to be improved. By using this method the players will see that you are well organized and will respond accordingly.