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No 8 Plays at the Scrum

Backrow plays at scrum time mainly create a platform for the next attack. However, they can present good scoring opportunities if executed accurately.
Players need to understand 'where' (field position) and 'when' to choose different backrow options and what happens after the backrow play.
They must know their roles and 'timing'; perform accurately and ensure there is good communication.
As a rule, if the play is going to the right hand side it will be assisted if the tighthead prop can get their side up, or at least have a square scrum. If the play is going to the left it will be assisted with the loosehead side being up.
The scrum will require calls. For example: Loosehead side up: 'A' / staying square: 'B' / Tighthead side up: 'C'.  Could use words: 'Albert' / 'Bruce' / 'Charlie'. Change each time.
Look for a quick channel to the No 8 who picks and actions without delay. Practice both a 'Channel 1' between the flanker and lock with the No 8 packing between these two players or a 'Channel 2' where the ball is hooked between the locks. The hooker should practice with a sweeping motion of their leg with this hook.

PLAYS (Make up your own names)
“89R” - scrum on the right hand side or centre field. Good with a 15m blindside.
 *Aim: for No 8 to put No 9 in to space. Also, fullback can run off 9.
*Call: 'Camera-2'   Tighthead up – channel 2
*Best: in attacking 22. Further out if a pacey fullback and space enough.
*Explanation:  Once the ball is at the No 8's feet the halfback runs wide and straightens / No 8 picks quickly and runs right to draw the opposition flanker / passes to 9 / 9 will accelerate and take the gap or make a pass / the close flanker will support 9 on the inside and the far flanker will track after 9 / the backs will be lined up to the left.
*Variations:  9 misses 15 and passes to wing / fullback outside the wing / 9 switches with wing who links with backrow / think of some more.

“89L” - scrum on the left hand side or centre field. Good with a 15m blindside.
*Aim: for No 8 to put the halfback in to space with a pass which clears the opposition No 9.
*Call: 'Alligator – 2’ Loosehead up – channel 2.
*Best: Inside the attacking 22. Further out if wing is positioned deep or in behind the scrum.
*Explanation:  9 feeds the ball and returns to a position 2-3 metres to the left of the scrum / No 8 reverse passes (or passes between the legs – saves time) to 9 / 9 will accelerate to get away from the tacklers (Flanker & halfback) / 9 will pass to the wing and wrap around / the close flanker will provide inside support and the far flanker will trail the ball carrier / the backs will have been lined up to the right.
*Variations: use of the fullback running down the blindside / 9 passing back inside to the far flanker who has supported / 9 runs right and 8 passes to 15.
This has a degree of difficulty and error possibility. The No 8 could pick up facing the opposition halfback. If 9 is not on top of him he could pass it; if 9 is close in the No 8 could drive and turn, with the far flanker either receiving a pass and linking up with 9 or driving on to 8 and setting a driving mini maul.

“928” - midfield scrum.
*Aim: For No 8 to receive the ball going forward and threaten to create space.
*Call: 'Car – 2'   Loosehead up – channel 2.
*Best: midfield / attacking half.
*Explanation: Halfback throws a cut pass directly to 12 / 12 angles back and runs at the opposing 10 and flanker / as 12 commits the tackler/s there is a switch pass with the No 8 / 8 accelerates in to the gap or at No 12 / the attacking 10 drifts outside 8 to receive the pass / close flanker is on the inside of 12 & 8 / far flanker trails the ball carrier / winger (14) is looking for a space in which to run / 11, 13, and 15 have taken up positions on the left side of the scrum.
*Variations: (A) 12 is flat on the right hand side / 10, 11, 13, 15 lined up on the left / 9 directly to 12 / 12 runs straight and pops it in to 8 who is wrapping 12 / 9 on the outside of 8 (B) same as 'A' but 12 passes inside to the flanker.