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PLANNING FOR THE SEASON: Pre Season Check List - Ian Snook


Draw up a calendar for yourself and the players. Make sure everyone has a clear picture of all the dates and activities from now until the end of the season. Read: "Overview for the Season".


List your squad's strengths and weaknesses. Develop a plan based on these strengths and your particular strengths as a coach.

Plan what will provide your team with the ‘Psychological Edge'; the patterns of play to develop; the ‘Basics' that will require constant work. Prepare these with the other coaches and senior players and set the season goals and strategies. Read: "Preparing the Team Profile" / "The Playing Philosophy"


Plan the specific training detail based on what you want to achieve as a team. Be innovative. Use your own ideas and develop these through reading, viewing, and discussing. A well planned training session will ensure you keep your team motivated throughout the season. Read: "Understanding the Game".


The easiest strategy to develop a winning culture is to work really hard on the pre-season fitness. Training sessions must be maintaining their intensity so that players are able to play in the same manner in games. Read: "Fitness Preparation".

Once you can tick off each of these headings you will be ready for the season to commence. You must have your seasonal goals in place and the strategies to achieve these goals. The better organized you are the more motivated your players will be and the more fun it will be for everyone. Good skills. Go for it.
