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How the Game Evolves

How the Game Evolves


• Know what your main roles are in the game.  Write down your main goal/s for the game.  Write down how you are going to improve during the week.  Dream the Dream. Picture yourself doing good things in the game. Close your eyes and ‘feel’ the success.  Tell your ‘buddy’ what you are going to do.
• You must be mentally excited and enthusiastic when you turn up to play. Think about your good games. How did you feel before the game? What did you do to feel that way?
• Relax immediately prior to the game but keep your focus on what you have been practicing and thinking about during the week. Stand out on the field and picture and feel yourself carrying out your successful aspects of the game.
• Practicing hard during the week provides a strong mental feeling in knowing that you have prepared well and you are ‘ready to go’.


• Create Pressure Immediately:  
1. Everyone focus on their first physical involvement and make it a big one.  Tackle; ruck; running with the ball... Be the dominant player.
2. Tight 5 must be physical and take control by playing with intensity. Get close to the ball and get involved in the tight play. Dominate your opponent.
3. Accuracy and intensity required at the first scrum and lineout. Accuracy at the kick off.
• Continue the pressure:  Focus on each play as it evolves:
4. Get together as a team at every opportunity and plan the next play. Individual players are named and take responsibility to lead the way.
5. Know what your role is in each play. Every player has a responsibility in every play.
6. Concentrate and say positive things to your team mates.
• Continue the pressure:  each player must play with intensity.
7. Display enthusiasm.  Run everywhere.  Provide energy to the team.   
• Continue the pressure: each player to play with accuracy.
8. Make the tackle. Get your hands on the ball. Use a low driving body position. Keep your eyes on the ball. Use two hands to catch and pass. Get in to the correct position:  TUB (them-us-ball)
9. Maintain your focus with team and mini units getting together and planning the next play.
10. Introduce a ‘team call’ the captain can use if he feels like the intensity and concentration are falling away. At the call every player knows they are after a try in the next five minutes.