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Playing Philosophy – A forward behind the ruck

As another alternative to the basic phase patterns of 2-4-2 and the likes of 1-3-3-1 you could run a far more fluid plan spread across the field.
In a following article I will explain how this will work. In this article I will explain why I believe it is a good idea to have one forward starting directly behind the ruck and halfback.

9 will threaten Defenders B & C by running quickly and as flat as the skill level allows / Forward 1 will attack  inside Defender B  either in close to the ruck if Defender A is widish [as in red] or in the space between Defenders A & B if A is close to the ruck.
If 9 runs the short side then Forward 1 will support behind and either run inside or outside for the pass.
If 9 passes to his outside then Forward 1 has an important support role and needs to be the first inside support at the ruck or to take a pass.

These opportunities open up at a fast recycle at the tackle.

What could F2 do to help create a threat and a greater space for F1?