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Wrap Around Back Plays

Wrap Around Back Plays

These plays were introduced to me by a Fijian International player when he was in the team I was coaching.

They obviously suit an athletic group of backline players and they do require a lot of accuracy and good decision making by each individual to make them work.

Still, there may be one particular play, or even a part of a play that you can work with your backline and the plays will introduce or reinforce the necessity of the ball going forward in the first instance, rather than lateral; the ball carrier being a threat but also passing before it is too late; the wrapping player hitting the ball at pace and straightening momentarily to stop the defender drifting; and the timing, change of pace and running lines of the outside players making sure they are threatening and not drifting across the field.  

There is a lot to think about, but if you break the play in to a series of little parts and get each part sorted as you go, then the players will have a lot of fun and success. Make sure you get defensive players in on the play from the very beginning so that each attacker understands his role better and will make sure he is scanning forward so that his decision making is good.  It will be a good idea to start in a deep enough formation which allows your players’ sufficient time and space relevant to their skill level / age.

Wrapping plays are about trying to create 2 v 1 situations so that numerically you have an advantage.

FM 10

This would work well if you have an attacking 12 who has already had a couple of cracks at breaking through on his own. Make sure he looks like he is going to ‘go for it’ again before he offloads. 13 should be watching his opposite number so that he can stay on the outside of him without running in to him. 10 will need to get the ball away to 15 either just in front of 13, or if it is behind it will need to be a bit earlier and a flat longish pass.  10 could well be the player scoring in the corner by keeping in support.FM 10

FM 12

10 passes to 13 who changes pace and running angle to look to force a gap outside D12.  By 11 being on the inside of 13 he will may have a hole to run into between D10 and D12 or with a bit of luck D12 may even hold on him.  11 is a passing option from 13 where he would link with the backrow.
If 13 passes to 12, 12 needs to threaten D13, so he must be looking at the correct channel before receiving the pass which means he has gone early and straightened up while 13 is going forward inside him.
10 must be running quickly and get wide of and straighten up on 12. 12 then has an option of passing in front of 10 who has hopefully held an inside defender, or passing to 10.  If 15 receives the ball he should have 10 in support on the inside and 14 on the outside. 12 should keep in support to score the try.FM 12

FM Majic

This has an extra loop thrown in so unless you have a very quick player at 10 and good thinkers at 12 and 13 it will be a difficult play to get underway. You could talk to your players about it and get them to practice it when they are warming up with their game of touch rugby. “One Touch” will ensure they have to operate quickly and skillfully.FM Majic

FM Dan

Obviously our Fijian player, and he was a goodie, was called Dan. Most of the time he played at 12 or 13 so this play was designed to get him in the game from a scrum by going left when D15 was tied up on the other side.
10 needs to be able to make a longish pass to 11 who needs to be running in balance rather than at full steam. 11 needs to be able to catch and pop the ball behind him to 12, who must wrap, straighten and accelerate.  13 will have gone early as well and 10 will need to get in the pocket as quickly as possible behind 13. 11 must support and it could well be the flying winger who make the final scoring act.EM Dan

Good Luck!