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RugbySmart 2023

Giving participants the choice of how you learn; one that suits your lifestyle; and appeases time busy schedules, will make you more engaged and reduce compliance constraints.

Once a referee or coach (13 years or older grade) has registered, they will be given an option of three methods to complete their RugbySmart compliance. When they have completed ONE of these, they will accredited for 2023. They will become ACTIVE after the identification and Police Vetting process is carried out.

Online: A series of modules to complete online. You will be sent a link after registration.

Practical: Attend a provincial union workshop covering RS modules face-to-face. See your local provincial unions when these are on.

To start coaching all you need to do is contact your local rugby club, school or Provincial Rugby Union and they will take care of the rest. You can also find your nearest rugby club using Club Finder

Why do I have to attend RugbySmart every year?

Prior to the launch of Rugby Smart in 2000, we experienced 6-8 catastrophic injuries annually, resulting in players spending their lives in wheelchairs. Since implementing the program, this number has decreased to just 2 per year.

Rugby-related claims have decreased as participation has steadily increased. We now recognise the importance of removing players from the field when an injury occurs and following protocols and procedures for their safe return. Overall, we are now more knowledgeable about injury prevention and player wellbeing.

We hope that participating in Rugby Smart enhances your coaching skills, enabling you to teach both good and safe techniques. This approach keeps your players on the field longer, provides them with a more enjoyable experience, and encourages sustained involvement in the game.

Thank you for attending Rugby Smart! We appreciate all the hard work you do with our players. We have the best players in the world, and your contributions are a vital part of that success.