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Activities for the Non-Contact Tackle

Under 7 - Activities for the Non-Contact Tackle (Rip)

Each player wears a Rippa belt with two flags aligned with the hips. The tackle is made by a defender ripping off one of the flags and calling “Rip”.
The ball carrier passes within three more steps and the defender hands the flag back which the attacker will reattach to their belt.

The technical aspects for the tackler include:
- go forward towards the attacker  
- crouch low when near the attacker by bending the knees  
- take smaller steps so that you are in balance  
- keep the head up and focus the eyes on the attackers hips  
-the arms point forward, elbows in, and reach to the flag with both arms. (The attacker cannot fend)

1-    Teach the pre-tackle stance. One leg forward and bent at the knee. Same shoulder forward ready to drive off the back foot.  Back straight. Head up. Arms in close at elbows. Switch over to the other foot being in the front. Jog forward and on the call get in to the tackle position.
2-    The coach can stand in the middle of the grid (or another player) with the Rippa belt on. Call a player’s name who then has to run out and rip the flag. Do the coaching on the run. Hold your arm out so the defender has to bend low to get the flag.

3-    Mark out a 5 x 3 grid which the attacker carrying a ball must run through. (5 is the length) and the defender must make the rip. Ensure the defender goes forward and approaches in the correct position.

4-    Make the grid bigger as the players improve. Make sure the grid is never too wide so that the fast kids can be tackled. Try to link up kids of similar ability attacking and defending.

5-    Mark out a 10 x 10 grid. All the players are running around inside the grid with a ball if possible. The defender can wear a coloured top. The defender has to make as many rips as he can in 30 seconds/ 1 minute. Players take turns and see who makes the most rips. Attackers cannot fend and must carry the ball in two hands. Place two players in coloured tops in you have sufficient players.

6-    Play games of 2 v 2 / 3 v 3 in small grids. (8 x 8 / 10 x 10) Change at 4 rips. This means that all players will get involved and the size of the grid ensures plenty of tackling is taking place.

7-    If you really want to test your players, then you could use this activity in a 5 x 5 grid. The attacker and defender face each other at opposite corners. On go the attacker can score a try along either line to the right or left of the defender. The defender must go forward and make the rip.
Introduce an award for “Rip of the Week” or “Most Rips” or something similar. Discuss this at training and reinforce all the good aspects from the previous game.