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Mental Session-Affirmations & Self-Talk

Being strong mentally can take many years before it is a reality and will take many experiences along the way to fine tune what is required for each individual, so the sooner players get the opportunity to experiment with ideas the better it will be for them as they grow in to the game.

For the coach it provides a lot of fun, new learnings in many cases, and a chance to try out the aspects on yourselves.

Day 3 
Affirmations & Self Talk.

Knowing what to say and how to use positive affirmations (self-talk) will have a profound influence on a players success.

Every word they say to themselves has a meaning to their subconscious mind

The subconscious part of the brain does not filter out negative sayings but registers ‘trigger’ words along with emotional feelings and visual pictures.

For instance, to say “I will not fail again” will register in an emotional and visual form as ‘fail again’. In other words, you will remember and see a past failure.

Positive and negative affirmations both have an equally powerful influence on their performance so it is really important that you are aware of what you are saying to yourself.

Constructing Personal Affirmations [ It would be a good idea for players to make notes as these points are discussed]

  • Keep affirmations short. Easier to absorb in the mind
  • Make them clear. Be specific and make them easily understood.
  • Focus on the positive. Keep negative words out altogether.
  • Make them realistic. You must be able to believe what you are saying.
  • Construct them in the present tense.  Being in the ‘here and now’ is the key to focussing.
  • Say your affirmations out loud to yourself. This will make affirmations more effective.
  • Write them out. This will help you fix them in your mind.
  • Review them often. Look at it and read it every day. Update and review on a regular basis. Affirmations should be always with you.
  • Share them with others. Create shared goals with the team. These create greater results.
  • Repeat them several times a day. Especially going to bed/getting up/training sessions.

Affirmation Examples
‘I am a winner’    NEG: ‘I can’t allow failure to occur’.
‘I act with decisiveness’.  NEG: ‘I am doing my best’.

  • Discuss these and other examples so that they get the idea.

Positive & Negative Beginnings
‘ I can’   - ‘I can’t’
‘I am able to ‘- ‘I have to ‘…
‘I have’- ‘I want’   

Make up two affirmations. Write them down.
Say them several times to yourself.
Breathe and use imagery as well as using the affirmation.
Discuss individual affirmations. Can they be improved?

Write out an affirmation that will take you through until the next session.

“I will be great”. ‘Powerful affirmations for belief, strength and success.’
“I AM”. A powerful motivation video for Success.