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Mental Session – Imagery

Being strong mentally can take many years before it is a reality and will take many experiences along the way to fine tune what is required for each individual, so the sooner players get the opportunity to experiment with ideas the better it will be for them as they grow in to the game.

For the coach it provides a lot of fun, new learnings in many cases, and a chance to try out the aspects on yourselves.

Day 2 

Who can explain what performance breathing is?  [diaphragmic breathing…]
What are we trying to achieve?  [ clear our minds. Slow down our pulse ….]
Why do we do this?   [to get in a focussed state. Relaxed ….]
When might you do this?  [before a game, exam, speech…. In pressure situations during games, exams ….]

Who has used this since we had session 1 on Performance Breathing?
When? Why? How did it go?

Let’s practice. Stand in a relaxed position ………. Talk the players through this as you did in Session 1

Statement:  Talk through these slowly and discuss as you go forward. Make sure every player understands what you are discussing.
Imagery is a subconscious experience looking from within.
It is using your mind to create or recreate the result you intend to produce.
Your body and your mind are living the same experience
The electrical activity in your muscles mirrors actual performance
In your subconscious mind there is no difference between the imaging of the experience and the actual experience.
You are totally immersed in seeing, feeling, smelling even tasting the activity in your mind.
You are moving from a state of ‘wanting’ to a state of ‘being’ when you begin to see and act like the person you are capable of being. You can then become this person.
“Champions are made from inside out”
Make sure everyone is clear on what has been discussed before moving on.

1- Think of a successful performance in your sport. It is one that brings a smile to your face. Just put that in the back of your mind for now.
2- Carry out performance breathing for two minutes. The more deeply relaxed, the more vivid the imagery.
3- Build the scene of the performance.
Make it appear big.
Place it right in front of you – bring all your senses in to it: taste, touch, smell, hearing and sight.
Once it is clear enter the picture; become fully part of it.
Become aware of how you and your muscles are feeling; your energy levels; your surroundings; the sounds; the smells; the temperature; the light. Observe everything that is happening around you.

Now focus on your actual performance. Do it perfectly and see yourself succeed. How do you feel?

As you are finishing give yourself a little praise. Let your inner self know that you can succeed.
Tell yourself you are capable, deserving and worthy of success. Always believe in yourself.
Make suggestions to your subconscious mind when you are coming out of this relaxed state.

How Brain Training Improves Sports Performance – BrainCraft
Imagery – Soccer Free Kick. – Hope Sport Psych

Keep using performance breathing and imagery during the week.