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Notes on Goal Setting

A 16 year old lad and I sat down to do a Goal Setting Session and he now has his Dream Goal and Long Term Goals in place.
From these he can start to see the progressions over a 6 year period as well as having a focus on the two parts of his game that are going to remain important in his development throughout the process.

The good thing about Goal Setting is that goals can be adjusted at any time.
Although with this lad I believe that what he has in place are achievable and realistic.

All Black No 8 in 2026

2020 – 1st XV  [if there is any rugby]
2021 – 1st XV; Chiefs Under 18 wider training group
2022 – 1st XV; Chiefs Under 18’s.
2023 -  Taranaki Academy Member; Chiefs Under 20’s; Taranaki Squad; NZ Under 20’s wider training group.
2024 – Chiefs & NZ Under 20’s; Taranaki; Chiefs wider training group.
2025 -  Chiefs Super Rugby; Taranaki.
2026 -  Chiefs Super Rugby; All Blacks .

A] Being a good decision maker
B] Being in the top 5% in any squad in fitness testing: Power; endurance; speed.

A] Decision Making
     * Practice drills aligned to TUBing. (Looking:  Them – Us – Ball)
     * Viewing footage of professional games for positioning, alignments, opportunities.
         Planning – what to look for, what to do. Study Zinzan Brooke games.
B] Physical Conditioning
    * Initial testing and planning with fitness adviser.
        Strength, power, endurance, explosive speed.

This is step 1 and can be undertaken now whilst rugby is in shutdown.
The players will enjoy your input and this step will start giving some focus to where they want to head to.

Once rugby training starts again the seasonal, weekly and daily detail needs to be put into place for the long term goals.