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Mental Session – Anchoring / Trigger

Being strong mentally can take many years before it is a reality and will take many experiences along the way to fine tune what is required for each individual, so the sooner players get the opportunity to experiment with ideas the better it will be for them as they grow in to the game.

For the coach it provides a lot of fun, new learnings in many cases, and a chance to try out the aspects on yourselves.

Day 4 
Anchoring / Trigger


An anchor is using one element of an experience to bring back the entire event.
Many athletes already use an anchor, sometime without realising -  who can give me an example of what an anchor might be?

It may be a physical motion such as wiggling fingers; shaking arms; touching the nose; lifting the foot high…. During the game.

It may be a certain phrase that is repeated during the game.

Prior to the game it might be a ritual such as putting on the left boot first; wearing a lucky piece of clothing or it might be using a certain piece of music that provides a powerful recall.
Who already uses music or has a ritual? What do you listen to/or do?

Today we will prepare a physical anchor that can be used during a game.

“Creating an Anchor”
Be in a relaxed state – carry out 2 minutes of performance breathing.
Use a previous outstanding performance for your imagery.
Use all the senses. Immerse yourself…
Make it brighter. …. The more you add to the experience the stronger the anchor will be.
Notice the positive things you are saying to yourself. ‘I feel ready.’ I know I am going to win”
Say words that evoke positive emotion – Yes! Go! Great!
Say the positive words out loud
Now create the anchor by touching a part of your body; or clenching your fist; or tapping your foot; using your tongue to touch the top of your mouth ….
Now let go of the anchor and gently come out of the experience.

As soon as you finish this session go through the same activity again using the same anchor.

Did it work? Repeat if it didn’t.  Do it several more times before the next session.

The object of the exercise is to be able to switch in to a positive mode in a second or two during an activity. Like anything it will need a lot of practice.

In time the use of an anchor will allow the player to immediately switch in to the ‘here and now’ which will be a short cut based on their regular practicing of Performance Breathing; Imagery; Affirmations and Self Talk.

“Setting your RAS” – I can do it app. [Reticular Activating System]
This highlights how important it is to be thinking positive thoughts; the processes ….

Make sure your players listen to this.