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Use double quotes – e.g. "under 10" searches for the exact match "under 10" as opposed to content containing "under" and "10"

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Optimising Potential

To fully understand the individual player so that you can work with them successfully you must chat with and listen to them.
You must ‘know’ your player on and off the field.

Your ultimate goal with the player is that they have:

  • Belief in themselves
  • Belief in the management
  • Belief in the organization
  • Want to be successful

“Wanting” is the motivation.
A motivated person will demonstrate positive behavior in the following ways:
1- Enthusiasm – [Effort –  Drive – Emotional Control ]
2- Reliability    -  [ always fulfills what they say – trustworthy ]
3- Responsibility – [ never blames anyone else – looks for ways to improve ]

A de-motivated person demonstrates:
1- Indifference – [ does just enough to get by]
2- Unreliability - [makes excuses and blames others]

Your club / school and yourself should look at the following areas to identify whether you are satisfying the needs of the player/s:
1- Physiological / Psychological – [ The need to survive – health issues; home issues; school / work issues ]
2- Security & Safety – [ The need to feel free of danger ( e.g.: playing with injury / being bullied / to be treated fairly) ]
3- Social – [ The need to relate socially within the team / club – to be accepted within the team and management group – to be well informed – to be part of decision making processes ]
4- Self-Esteem – [ to be seen as someone special ]
5- Self-Actualisation – [ the need to optimize personal ability – development; advancement; responsibility; challenge; achievement ]

Only when the needs are met will the player feel good about themselves and really ‘want’ to try and fulfill their potential.

This is carried out through observation, planned discussions, casual chats and gleaning information from other coaches / teachers and friends.
As a coach it is your job to help this person become the best person they can be.


  • Player relationship to management
  • Team relationship to management
  • Player relationship to other players
  • Team relationship to team (Mini factions …)
  • Player as part of the decision making process
  • Team as part of the decision making process
  • What is being done to build self-esteem with individual players / the team in general
  • List some ideas on how to build self-esteem
  • Do the players believe they are: provided with an environment to develop as an individual and as a player;  provided with challenges and the confidence to attack them; given responsibility; achieving their goals.