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Teens want training sessions to be an improvement and enabling forum and are looking for more than just routine drills. They want input into how trainings are run and what goals to aim for and goal setting.

They want goal setting at the start of the training session each week – achievable outcomes for the next game to help build their confidence and skills.

Training must enable them to improve, forge friendships and develop a sense of pride and achievement – just like their games do. They are looking for empowerment and inclusiveness above and beyond the game itself.

They also want good resources - they want nice kit, enough balls to train properly and some flexibility in training session times.

And if that doesn’t all seem too much, they also want to be part of the post-game debrief, believing coaches and players should all have an opportunity to say what they think, without judgement.

Now before all you potential coaches run for the hills, let’s put this in perspective.

Put simply, they are asking for a fair deal. They aren’t looking for an easy out, they want the chance to voice their thoughts and feelings and have some input into what’s best for the team.

Sounds pretty reasonable to me.