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It’s Not All Doom and Gloom

We know teens, parents and coaches love the game. They love rugby!

It’s not all doom and gloom for our national sport.

Rugby has a strong market position in New Zealand. Most sports in this country would love to have the numbers and resources rugby enjoys. No other sport commands such overwhelming sentiment from teenagers, who believe rugby plays an important role in shaping their lives.

Rugby is initially aspirational – older brothers, Dads and the All Blacks make it the default sport for many young people in this country. It is firmly positioned as the ‘every man’s game’ a game accessible to everyone.

The social aspect is a strong draw card - teams are a ready-made group of mates with strong bonds both within and outside the game.

Both teens and adults see rugby as an enabler to personal growth. But most importantly, rugby is enjoyable – even teens no longer playing have fond feelings associated with it.