- Rugby Toolbox
- The Game
- Teen Rugby
- Teenager
- Teenage Little Black Book
- In Their Own Words
- Introduction
- Research Methodology and Process
- Who are we Dealing With?
- In or Out!
- The Wish List
- The Rugby Player’s Pivotal Milestones
- The Start
- Mates
- Adults and Parents
- The Car Ride Home
- Side Lines
- Coaching
- Guidelines for Communicating with Teens
- Technology and Communication
- Injury
- Winning
- Training
- It’s Not All Doom and Gloom
- Half Game Rule
- In Their Own Words
- Solutions or More Problems?
- Conclusion
- Addendum
In Their Own Words

Here is a sample of letters the teens were asked to write to New Zealand Rugby’s CEO. The only direction they were given was to start the letter with: “If you would like me to continue playing rugby you need to….”
The letters provide us with a little insight into the small things teenagers worry about and reinforce the message we are trying to pass on to our rugby coaches, referees, managers, parents and teachers.
Apologies to all referees - you take a real hammering here.
“If you would like me to continue playing rugby you need to educate refs more, so they have the same mind set and are a balanced ref, so we get a fair game. “Educate players that aren’t that interested in playing, that there are other things like Medic/Physio/Manager to keep them involved and keep them in the team environment. Teach in schools so players know more about the game and aspects of the game.”
“If you would like me to continue playing rugby you will need to have stricter regulations on the supporters who are abusive on the side of the field. Also referees need to ref games without being biased and having the same mind set when they ref, so each week the game isn’t dictated by how the match was refereed. Also, there needs to be more monitoring of coaches e.g. players need to be asked if they are happy with their coach and the environment.”
“If you want someone like me to continue to play rugby you will need to get people that are well knowledgeable in the sport to help organise and help out the assistant coach. Safety is also a major, the teaching of proper tackles and safe rules needs to be enforced to prevent future injuries that can cause bad outcomes. Also, fields need to improve. It is not enjoyable to play at a high level and play on a sandpit or a mud filled pit. This would improve the level of rugby for the future.”
“If you would like me to continue to play rugby you will need to create a not so serious grade at High School level as I don’t have the time to be committed and dedicated as I have other commitments. Coaches need to have training to keep them up-to-date and accurate.”
“If you would like me to continue to play rugby you will need to improve the referees. Make sure they have experience with rugby and are not from the town that you play against.
Also make the training times easier for us to get to, so we don’t have to rush things.”
“If you would like me to continue to play rugby get better refs that know what they are doing and are not biased. Also, good coaches that can bond with players and are not too competitive - depending on what level of rugby you are playing. We need side-line control too because there’s some crazy people.”