- Law 1 The Ground
- Law 3 Team
- Law 4 Player's Clothing
- Law 5 Time
- Law 6 Match Officials
- Law 7 Advantage
- Law 8 Scoring
- Law 9 Foul Play
- Law 10 Offside and Onside in Open Play
- Law 11 Knock-on or Forward Pass
- Law 12 Kick-off and Restart Kicks
- Law 13 Players on the Ground in Open Play
- Law 14 Tackle
- Law 15 Ruck
- Law 16 Maul
- Law 17 Mark
- Law 18 Touch, Quick Throw and Lineout
- Law 19 Scrum
- Law 20 Penalty and Free Kick
- Law 21 In-Goal
Law 19 Scrum

Law 19 Scrum
1. What is the purpose of a scrum?
Answer: To restart play with a contest after a minor infringement stoppage.
2. Where does a scrum take place and who throws in?
• After a knock on or throw forward except at a lineout – at the place of infringement – non-offending team throws in
• A knock on or throw forward at a lineout; incorrect throw at a lineout; incorrect quick throw – 15m in from the mark of touch – non-offending team throws in
• Offside in open play (scrum option) – closest to where the offending team played the ball – non-offending team throws in
• A PK or FK (scrum option) – where the infringement took place – non-offending team throws in
• The ball is taken into in-goal by the defending team and there made dead – the point closest to where the ball was made dead – attacking team throws in
• An unplayable tackle or ruck – where the tackle or ruck took place – the team last moving forward throws in and if neither team was moving forward, the attacking team throws in
• A maul ends unsuccessfully – where the maul ended – the ball is thrown in by the team not in possession at the start of the maul and if the referee is unsure, by the team going forward and if neither team was going forward, the attacking team
• An unplayable maul after a kick in open play – where the maul took place – the team in possession at the start of the maul
• An incorrect kick off or restart kick (scrum option) – the middle of the halfway line or 22m line if the restart kick was a 22 drop out – non-kicking team throws in
• Failure to “use it” at scrum, ruck or maul – where the scrum, ruck or maul took place – team not in possession
• The ball or ball carrier touches the referee and either team gains an advantage – where the incident took place – the team that last played the ball throws in
• Stoppage due to injury – where the ball was last played – the team last in possession throws in
• Reset scrum – where the original scrum took place – the team originally awarded eh scrum throws in
• A penalty attempt not taken within the time limit – where the penalty was awarded – the non-offending team throws in
• A player is unable to take a FK after a mark within 1 minute – where the FK was awarded – team of the player warded the FK throws in
• The referee awards a scrum for any other reason not covered in law – at the place of stoppage – the team last moving forward throws in and if no team was moving forward, the attacking team throws in
Forming A Scrum
1. Where is a scrum formed?
Answer: In the scrum zone at a mark indicated by the referee.
2. What does the referee make the mark for?
Answer: To create the middle line of the scrum.
3. How long have teams got to form a scrum after the mark has been made?
Answer: 30 seconds.
4. When both teams have 15 players, how many players must be in the scrum?
Answer: 8, 3 in the front row, 2 locks and 3 in the back row.
Sanction: PK.
5. When a team is reduced to fewer than 15 players for any reason, can the number of players in each team in the scrum be similarly reduced?
Answer: Yes, however they are not obliged to.
7. How do players in the scrum bind?
Answer: A. prop’s bind to the hooker, B. the hooker binds with both arms either over or under the prop’s arms, C. the locks bind with the prop immediately in front and each other, D. back row players bind onto a lock.
Sanction: PK.
- DSLV: Scrum formation when forward numbers are reduced – 7 forwards 3-4, 6 forwards 3-2-1, 5 forwards 3-2.
8. How should each scrum pack face?
Answer: Each other either side of and parallel to the middle line.
9. How far apart should front rows be when forming a scrum?
Answer: Not more than an arm’s length apart with the hookers at the mark.
1. When should the referee call “crouch” and how should the front rows crouch?
Answer: When both sides are square, stable and stationary and a. the front rows then adopt a crouched position with head and shoulders no lower than their hips, B. front rowers crouch ear against ear with their heads to the left of their immediate opponent so that no player’s forehead is up against an opponent’s forehead.
Sanction: FK
2. When should the referee call “bind” and how should the front rows bind?
Answer: When both sides are square, stable and stationary and A. each loose head prop binds by placing the left arm inside the right arm of the opposing tight head prop, B. each tight head prop binds by placing the right arm outside the left upper arm of the opposing loose head prop, C. each prop binds by gripping the back or side of the opponent’s jersey, D. all players binding is maintained throughout the duration of the scrum.
Sanction: PK.
3. When should the referee call “set”?
Answer: When both sides are square, stable and stationary and A. only then may the teams engage, B. all players must be in a position to push forward, C. each front row player must have both feet on the ground with their weight firmly on at least one foot, D. each hooker’s feet must be in line or behind the foremost foot of that team’s props.
Sanction: FK.
1. Can the scrum half choose which side to throw the ball in?
Answer: Yes.
2. How does the scrum half hold the ball before throwing it into the scrum?
Answer: By holding the ball with both hands so the ball is side onto the scrum.
3. How does the scrum half throw the ball into the scrum?
Answer: A. from the chosen side, B. from outside the tunnel, C. without delay, D. with a single forward movement, E. at quick speed, F. straight with the scrum half being able to stand a shoulder width closer to their side of the scrum, G. so the ball first touches the ground inside the tunnel.
Sanction: FK.
During A Scrum
1. When does a scrum begin?
Answer: When the ball leaves the hands of the scrum half.
2. When may teams push?
Answer: Only when the scrum starts.
3. May possession be gained by pushing the opposing scrum off the ball?
Answer: Yes.
- DSLV: In U19 rugby and below, scrums may only push up to a maximum of 1.5m towards the opponent’s goal line.
4. How may players push in the scrum?
Answer: By pushing straight and parallel to the ground.
- DSLV: U19 and below, teams may not deliberately wheel a scrum, and if a scrum does wheel more than 45 degrees it is reset.
Sanction: PK.
5. When may front row players strike for the ball to gain possession?
Answer: Once the ball touches the ground in the tunnel.
Sanction: FK.
6. May front row players strike for the ball with both feet?
Answer: No.
Sanction: PK.
7. Must the hooker from the team that threw the ball in strike for the ball?
Answer: Yes.
Sanction: FK
8. Can a front row player intentionally kick the ball out of the tunnel?
Answer: No.
Sanction: FK
9. Can any player in the scrum play the ball?
Answer: Yes, but only with their feet or legs and they cannot lift the ball.
Sanction: PK.
10. What must the referee do if the scrum collapses or a player is lifted up or out of the scrum?
Answer: Stop play immediately.
11. When the scrum is stationary and the ball is available at the back of the scrum for 3-5 seconds, what should the referee do?
Answer: Call “use it” and the team in possession must play the ball.
- DSLV: In under 19 rugby and below, the ball must be released from the scrum once the ball is heeled and controlled at the base of the scrum.
Sanction: scrum.
Offside at Scrum
1. Must players remain onside at a scrum?
Answer: Yes.
2. Where must the scrum half not throwing the ball in stand?
Answer: A. on that team’s side of the middle line next to the opposing scrum half, or B. at least 5m behind the hindmost foot of their team’s last player in the scrum and must remain there until the scrum is over.
3. Once the scrum begins, how must the scrum half of the team in possession stand?
Answer: With at least one foot level with or behind the ball.
4. Once the scrum begins, how must the scrum half of the team not in possession stand?
Answer: A. take up a position with both feet behind the ball and close to the scrum but not in the space between the lock and the flanker, or B. permanently retire to a point on that team’s offside line, or C. permanently retire at least 5m behind the hindmost foot.
5. Where must players not participating in a scrum stand?
Answer: At least 5m back from the hindmost foot of their team.
6. When is the goal-line the offside line for non-participants at a scrum?
Answer: When the hindmost foot of a team in in-in-goal or within 5m of the goal-line.
Sanction: PK.
7. When do offside lines no longer apply at a scrum?
Answer: When the scrum ends.
Resetting A Scrum
1. When there is no infringement, when should a referee reset the scrum?
Answer: A. the ball comes out either end of the tunnel, B. the scrum collapses or breaks up, C. it wheel more than 90 degrees, D. neither side wins possession, E. the ball is accidentally kicked out of the tunnel – if it is intentional PK.
2. Who throws the ball into a reset scrum?
Answer: The team that previously threw it in.
Ending A Scrum
1. When does a scrum end?
Answer: A. when the ball comes out in any direction except the tunnel, B. when the ball is picked up by the hindmost player or that team’s scrum half, C. when the number eight picks up the ball from under the feet of a second rower, D. when the referee blows the whistle for an infringement, e. when the ball in a scrum is on or over the goal-line.
Dangerous Play and Restricted Practices in a Scrum
1. What does dangerous play in a scrum include?
Answer: A. front rows charging against each other, B. pulling an opponent, C. intentionally lifting an opponent off their feet or forcing them upwards out of the scrum, D. intentionally collapsing a scrum, E. intentionally falling or kneeling.
Sanction: PK.
2. What are other restricted practices at a scrum?
Answer: A. falling on or over the ball after it has emerged from the scrum, B. the scrum half kicking the ball while it is in the scrum, C. a non-front row player holding or pushing an opponent,
Sanction: PK.
D. bring the ball back into the scrum after it has left, E. non-front row players playing the ball while it is in the tunnel, F. a scrum half attempting to make an opponent believe the ball is out of the scrum.
Sanction: FK.
Scrum Law Variations
1. May a union implement U19 scrum law variations at defined levels of the game within its jurisdiction?
Answer: Yes.