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Law 1 The Ground

Law 1 The Ground

1. Must the ground be safe?
Answer: Yes

2. What are the permitted surface types?
Answer: Grass, sand, clay, snow or artificial turf.

3. What are the permissible dimensions of a rugby ground?
Answer: Field of Play 94-100m long, In-goal 6-22m, width 68-70m.

4. What is the field of play?
Answer: The area bounded by, but not including, the touch lines and goal lines.

5. What is the playing area?
Answer: The area bounded by, but not including, the touch lines and dead ball lines.

6. What is the playing enclosure?
Answer: The Playing area and an area of approximately 5m surrounding it.
7. What is the perimeter area?
Answer: The area up to 5m surrounding the playing area.

8. What is the in-goal?
Answer: The area bounded by the goal line, the dead ball line and touch in-goal line – it includes the goal line, but not the dead ball line and touch in-goal lines.

9. What is the 22m area?
Answer: The area bounded by and including the 22m line, and the goal lines but not including these lines.

Objections to the Ground

1. When must teams notify the referee of any objections to the ground?
Answer: Before the match starts.

2. If there is/are objections to the ground, what must the referee do?
Answer: Try and resolve any issues prior to the match starting.