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OBJECTIVE: Improve the pass technique of players passing the ball off the ground.

EQUIPMENT: One ball.

GROUP SIZE: Four players.

AREA: 10 x 10 metre grid.

DRILL SEP-UP: One halfback and three receivers. Three receivers in a triangle 10 metres apart.


  1. The ball is placed on the ground by Player 1.
  2. The halfback (9) moves to the ball and passes it to Player 2, who places it on the ground.
  3. The halfback now moves to Player 2 and passes the ball to Player 3.
  4. The drill continues.
  5. The coach will decide when Player 9 will pass in the opposite direction, and when the players will change positions.
  6. The receiving players may move from their cone and communicate with the halfback.


• Halfback’s rear foot should be planted next to the ball.
• Halfback should pass without a back-lift.
• Receivers should call for the ball.
• Receivers should have their hands out to provide a target for the passer.


  1. More players can convert the triangle into a square or a circle.
  2. The receivers can deliver the ball in any one of a varied number of ways.
  3. The receivers can roll the ball anywhere within the formation for the halfback to recover.

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