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OBJECTIVE: To introduce a pass with presentational pressures.

EQUIPMENT: Two balls.

GROUP SIZE: Four players.

AREA: 10 x 15 metre grid.

As shown in the diagram.


  1. Player delivers the ball in a variety of ways to the halfback - rolling along the ground - with a high pass - with a low pass - with an awkward pass or by placing it on the ground.
  2. The halfback passes to the two five-eighths - one to the left and one to the right.
  3. The five-eighths are a static target.
  4. The five-eighths return the ball to the feeder.
  5. The drill continues.


• Halfback should pass without a back-lift.
• Halfback’s rear foot should be planted near the ball, and leading foot should point in the direction of the pass.


  1. The five-eighths may vary their positioning on the ball e.g. width, depth, running onto the ball, angle of running.
  2. A second five-eighth can position themselves outside the first five-eighth.
  3. Doesn’t have to be the halfback.

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