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To develop all areas of ruck/maul situation.


4–5 shields and two balls.


10–12 players.




  1. In groups of three, a player in Group A hits and spins off Shield 1 (S1), feeding a short pass to the second player in his group who feeds the third player.
  2. The third player hits and spins off Shield 2 and the sequence is reversed, i.e. 3-2-1.
  3. Once the first group has gone past shield 1, Group B starts.
  4. Once both groups are past S1, S1 runs to back of the grid to provide the next target, as do all the shields once both groups have passed.


• Identify role, sight target area.
• Approach ruck/maul from depth, parallel to touchline.
• Bind with teammates onto opposition.
• Drive forward past the ball or bind and drive either side of ball carrier, forming a wedge forward of the ball..
• Use feet to ruck ball clear of congestion or transfer ball to back of maul communicating its position throughout.
• Stay on feet at all times.


  1. Off the ground:
    • Hit / Rip / Pop - Ball players hits and recoils, next player rips and pops a pass to supporting player who hits shield 2.
    • Mini Maul - using the option of more attackers, a mini maul is set on each shield with one player peeling off to set a maul on shield 2.
    • Rolling Maul - similar to above but controlled rolling from one shield to the next.
  2. On the ground:
    • Place / Takeout / Pickup
    • Player with ball runs towards the first shield, places the ball in front of it and then drives the shield off to the side.
    • Next player picks up the ball and moves to the next shield.
    • The idea is to get the ball off the ground as quickly as possible and to attack the space made by the previous player.

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