- Kicking
- Basic Kick
To apply pressure to opposition by putting the ball into touch, gaining field position or restarting the game.
- Eyes on ball.
- Head and shoulders still, hold ball at 30º angle.
- Step forward, plant non-kicking foot.
- Place ball onto the foot with dominant hand, i.e. right hand to right foot.
- Swing leg straight through. Maintain balance on nonkicking foot.
- Lock ankle, point toe downward at contact.
- Follow through with kicking foot, opposite arm extended.
- Return to normal balanced stance.
- Lifting head too early.
- Turning shoulders at point of contact with the ball.
- Trying to kick too far.
- Trying to kick too hard losing timing, balance and power.
- Throwing the ball in the air to kick.
- Making contact with the ball too late.
- Leaning backwards.