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Walking Rugby

Walking rugby is a 7 v 7 game for those recovering from injury, getting back into rugby, or for those wanting to participate in a slower-paced game. Walking rugby can also be played as 5 or 6 a side.


  • Tennis court (3m Per Person)
  • Cones
  • Size 3 Ball
  • 7 bibs

Field Set Up

Game Day Format

Four 5-minute quarters with 2-minute breaks. Teams change sides each quarter.

Warmup 5-10 mins

5min 1/4

2min break

5min 1/4

2min break

5min 1/4

2min break

5min 1/4


Farmers Gate Scoop Alternate squats
Shoulder mobility Walking RPS Flinch

Cool downs = Yoga type holds and more static stretches post game. Walk slowly around area and then hydrate.

Walking Rugby Laws

Walking Rugby follows all World Rugby laws except for the following variations.


No officials are required. Walking rugby can be self-refereed.

The Team

7 v 7 players on the court. Mixed-gender teams are encouraged.

Start of play

Play is started after each quarter and after each try. The team that conceded the try will tap and pass at half-way.


Substitutions are allowed at any time (rolling subs) and there are no limits to the number of substitutions.


Players must never have both off the ground at once – no running or jumping.

Scoring a try

A try is scored when the attacking player with the ball walks across the try-line.


Scrums are made up of three players - one attacking and two from the defending team. The attacking team will also need one player to put the ball into the scrum.

'Tackling' (touch)

Player in possession of the ball, once touched, may continue to walk with the ball but cannot score. If touched a second time by an opposition player, it will result in a turnover and restart with a scrum.

Ball out of bounds

In the event of the ball going out of bounds, it will result in a scrum to the opposition team.


*Law variation - if teams are experienced, they can perform a lineout if wanted.

  • Lineouts are performed with 1 v 1 + halfbacks
  • Team throwing has one in lineout
  • Defending team has one in lineout + hooker + halfback in position