Looking for something? Type your search below or try an .
Searching phrases:

Use double quotes – e.g. "under 10" searches for the exact match "under 10" as opposed to content containing "under" and "10"

Wild cards:

Use an asterisk – e.g. pass* – searches for pass, passed, passing etc.


Combine the search features to narrow your search – e.g. "under 10" basic drills kick*

My Training Plans 101

Here is a brief way to show you how to create your own training plans for a session or a year if needed.


If you haven't signed up - do that first - it's FREE!

2. Go back to home page and click on menu

3. Set up you training plans

In the menu just click on My Training Plan

4. Create new plan

5. Name your plan

You can use team name, a date or anything that helps you.

6. Go back to menu

7. Choose what age band you are coaching

8. Choose what type of drill you are after for your training

9. If you like the activity - save drill

10. Assign the drill to the Training Plan you just created.

Just keep exploring the large number of drills until you have your Training Plan finished. Remember to SAVE each one.

11. When finished return to MY TRAINING PLANS

All those that you saved will be on display which you can access at any time on your phone, computer or device.

You can edit, delete or print off in PDF at any time!