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Using Tackle Clinic Dots

The use of these 'dots' are a great way to get players moving and adjusting prior to the tackle (These dots can be replaced with cones).

Individual 3 Colour

Player stands on black dot and on 'coach/player' call (GREEN, YELLOW or RED) they move feet quickly and place foot on colour chosen then back to BLACK. Dots can be placed 0.5m - 5m apart depending on purpose.

Shoulder strength

Player is in press up position with a dot directly in front, one to their right and one to their left. (You can have their feet positioned on a fourth dot). Coach/player calls out one colour at a time, and player touches dot with available hand. Activity lasts around 30 secs.

Side-on shuffle

Same as "Individual 3 Colour" activity but this time the player moves to dots and back shuffling sideways.

Fast Feet

Place 4 dots together as in diagram and player stands on one dot. Player/coach calls out four colours in a sequence i.e., "yellow, black, red, green!" Player then places feet on that sequence for 30 secs. e.g. yellow, black, red, green, yellow, black, red, green, yellow, black, red, green.  


Player stands on one dot. Place a dot either side of player and one in front (1m apart). Player/coach calls colour and player moves to place one foot on that dot and back to centre. Repeat for 30 secs.

Line up

Place a dot in front of each player (1-5m depending on purpose) and one on its own further along. Player/coach has 5 calls. "Red, black, green, go and yellow". Red = player opposite red runs to dot and back. Black = player opposite yellow runs to dot and back. Green = player opposite green runs to dot and back. Go = all players run to their dot and back. Yellow = one player running to their 1st colour hears 'yellow' call, steps on first colour then adjusts to go to YELLOW.


Pairs shoulder strength

Same activity set up as 'Shoulder Strength' activity but an added player for a little competition. Coach/player calls out colours and players try to be first to touch colour that is called.


Circle one player with coloured dots. Coach/player can call a number of sequences i.e., Yellow = player runs and touches all yellow.  Red, yellow, green = player has to touch all three colours. A progression to this activity is having more than one player inside the circle.

Head Position

One player stands between two coloured dots - with or without shield. Other player advances, using fast feet, gets call from coach or the player holding shield at they 'STICK' their head on that side.

Have fun with making up dot activities, but always maintain your purpose and coachable moments.