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Objective: Improve on fitness 

equipment: Cones and hit shields

group size: Any number

Area: Grid big enough to fit number of players

drill set-up: Players spread out within the grid with a number of hit shield holders scattered amongst them all.

Drill explanation:

  1. On “GO” players run around inside of grid.

  2. “Sweep” means they sweep the ground with one hand.

  3. No actions are done by hit shield holders.

  4. “Roll” means they do a roll on the ground.

  5. “Crawl” they crawl along on the ground.

  6. “Link” they find a partner and get into a bound position.

  7. When “HIT” is called players drive into hit shields.

  8. In between each call they run without hitting into anybody.


Variations / progression:

  1. Increase the intensity

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