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Ball held up above ground. Ball-carrier and one other from each team in physical contact around ball (minimum number three).


  1. To engage and group the opposition.
  2. To move forward.
  3. To present ball to continue attack.


Second and Third Support Players

  1. Identify role, sight target area.
  2. Approach ball-carrier and first support player with depth, parallel to touchline.
  3. Assume low effective driving position.
  4. Bind and drive either side of ball-carrier, forming a wedge forward of the ball.
  5. Maintain strong forward leg drive throughout, using short steps.

Additional Support Players

  1. Identify role, sight target area.
  2. Approach maul from depth, parallel to touchline.
  3. Assume low, effective driving position.
  4. If possible, bind with teammate and drive into 'mini maul'.
  5. Ensure balanced numbers approaching either side of maul.
  6. Bind and drive on to maul at the hindmost foot.
  7. Maintain strong forward leg drive throughout using short steps.
  8. Transfer ball to back of maul communicating its position throughout.
  9. Deliver to halfback or initiate further play.


  1. Breakdown through ineffective work of ball-carrier and/or first support player.
  2. Players arriving too late.
  3. Arriving players searching for the ball first rather than binding and driving.
  4. Second and third support players not remaining bound at front of maul.
  5. Failing to continue with leg drive after initial contact.
  6. Poor communication in maul resulting in teammates working against each other rather than together.
  7. Players falling over in maul due to poor body position and balance.
  8. Failure to maintain straight line drive due to greater numbers of support players joining one side of the maul.
  9. Not presenting ball when maul becomes stationary or told to use it by referee.

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