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To apply pressure to opposition by putting the ball into touch, gaining field position or restarting the game.


  1. Eyes on ball.
  2. Head and shoulders still, hold ball at 30° angle.
  3. Step forward, plant non-kicking foot.
  4. Place ball onto the foot with dominant hand, i.e. right hand to right foot.
  5. Swing leg straight through. Maintain balance on nonkicking foot.
  6. Lock ankle, point toe downward at contact.
  7. Follow through with kicking foot, opposite arm extended.
  8. Return to normal balanced stance.


  1. Lifting head too early.
  2. Turning shoulders at point of contact with the ball.
  3. Trying to kick too far.
  4. Trying to kick too hard losing timing, balance and power.
  5. Throwing the ball in the air to kick.
  6. Making contact with the ball too late.
  7. Leaning backwards.

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